Random Encounter

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"Just when we thought the peace was going to be for longer." Jack chuckles as he finds himself rushing out with his fellow admirals and the Kongou sisters and heading to the docks.

"Abyssal ships were just spotted out in the distance. I don't know what they intend to do but we've got to do something about them!" Were the fleet admiral's exact words before he dispatched Jack to spread the news. All four admirals had brought along twenty soldiers each to man the various ships, and Kongou and company quickly summoned their rigging before taking to the waters. Thanks to their speed the Kongou class quickly began leading the heavier guns towards the waiting Abyssal fleet.

"Looks like they decided to bring out the heavy guns for this one." Jack chuckles to himself as he spots a squadron of Ru-Class battleships, instantly recognizable by their gun platforms and the fact that they are the most human looking of the normal Abyssal units they encounter. Unfortunately the alien ships are completely unaware of the fact that Jack's fleet is advancing on them, and they only realize when all four Kongou sisters launch a full barrage, pummeling them with shells and leaving them laying on top of the water and dazed.

"I think we got them!" Kongou calls out as the Abyssal battleships slowly but surely get back on their feet, using their gun platforms as support.

"Is it just me, or have the Abyssals gotten weaker since the last time we encountered them?" Jack taunts. "All cannons, fire again! Put these alien idiots to rest!" And with that the entire fleet opens fire on the still dazed Abyssal battleships, utterly annihilating them before they even have a chance to fire.

"I don't know if they were even trying that time." Kongou chuckles to herself. "Teitoku, should we just head back?"

"I mean we only beat them so quickly because we took them by surprise." Vinh says. "I don't even know if any of them were checking their radars."

"Well, looks like we got your attention no?" A voice calls out as Kongou and company turn to see a certain horned princess and her giant monster.

"Oh great, it's the Battleship Princess." Kongou mumbles. "Do you girls ever get tired of getting blown up?"

"What business do you even have here?" Jack asks. "If you're just here to mess with us, go mess with another base! Or did miss Lycoris not tell you what happened the last time I came out here?"

"I did speak with "miss Lycoris". Her nose was broken, some of her ribs were cracked, she had a black eye, do you not have any respect for a lady?" The Battleship Princess asks.

"If I didn't have that respect I wouldn't be in this position right now." Jack replies. "Now get lost unless you want to eat our shells."

"I'm sure my pet here would find them tasty." The Battleship Princess chuckles as the monster fires it's guns, just barely missing Haruna.

"Whoa!" Haruna shouts as she dodges the pillar of water that is created by the explosion. "Haruna is fine!" She calls out to Linh before firing her own cannons. Instead of targeting the monster though she scores a direct hit on the Battleship Princess, who goes flying before the monster catches her. The princess manages to get away with mere rips and tears in her dress and she looks at the perpetrator with murder in her eyes.

"Why you little- do you know how long it took me to find a new dress?!" The Battleship Princess shouts.

"I didn't even know Abyssals cared about fashion." Vinh chuckles before he's nearly thrown off the deck of his ship by a wayward shot from the princess. "Oh crap!"

"Admiral Vinh! You all right?" Hiei shouts.

"Yeah, nothing too serious was hit!" Vinh replies. "Everyone focus fire on the monster!" And with that the monster stands in front of the Battleship Princess to eat up whatever is shot at her. As everyone fires the monster quickly and voraciously gobbles up all the shells that are fired at it with no ill effect, but as it is too distracted by that Kongou and Haruna sneak under and lay away with their cannons. When Kongou and Haruna return to the safety of their fleet there are multiple clean holes through the monster's midsection, and it comically looks down to see the damage before slumping onto it's face and sinking.

"Shit!" The Battleship Princess shouts.

"Now do you wanna run?" Jack asks. The Battleship Princess growls at him before retreating, and everything said and done Jack's fleet begins the return home.

"Why do you think they showed up like this?" Kongou asks as she climbs onto Jack's ship via the rope ladder.

"The hell do I know honestly? They're Abyssals, they do whatever the hell they want." Jack replies.

Kantai Collection: Kongou Class ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now