Rewriting The Books

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"Finally, I can stop being bored for once!" Jack chuckles as he and the other admirals find themselves on their ships and waiting around in the docks in case more Abyssals decide to show up, and Kongou and company are busy making sure their skills are top notch. The fleet admiral then emerges and Jack heads off his ship to speak with him. "Yes admiral?"

"How was the last battle?" The fleet admiral asks. "Everything go well?"

"Targets were annihilated, another potential target retreated." Jack replies.

"Class?" The fleet admiral asks.

"Battleship Princess. We took out the monster that accompanied her and she scampered before our guns could fire again." Jack replies, knowing that's not exactly how it went.

"Retreated or not we still scared them a little bit." The fleet admiral says. "Do be careful if more decide to show up." His suspicions are confirmed as a pair of white haired battleships emerge and start firing upon everyone.

"Head inside, we'll take care of these runts." Jack says as the fleet admiral retreats and watches as the Kongou sisters engage the battleships while the other admirals' ships, including his own, pelt the Abyssals from afar. "They sent even fewer Ta-Class girls. Either we're running them low on resources or they're playing some sort of game with us." That's when a squadron of Abyssal dive bombers emerge, screaming their whole way down like stukas, but the squadron only consists of four bombers, not enough to succeed in their attack as the other ships let loose with their AA guns and shred them up. That's when they see the source of the planes, and she doesn't even have her monster with her. What's even more recognizable is the fact that this girl has a bandage on her nose. "Well well well! Look who decided to come back!"

"You're lucky that you didn't ruin my dress!" Miss Lycoris shouts, pointing her robotic hand at Jack.

"What is it with Abyssals and fashion sense?" Vinh mumbles as Hiei opens fire on miss Lycoris, who simply uses her aircraft strip to block the majority of them.

"Thank goodness I got this armored, now I actually have a means of defending myself." Miss Lycoris chuckles to herself.

"Are you just gonna hide behind that thing?" Jack taunts. "Or are you going to actually fight us?"

"Grrr!" Miss Lycoris growls. "I'm getting sick of your constant heckling! Why don't you come and face me?"

"What, you want to go for round two?" Jack laughs as he gets off his flagship and stands at the docks tauntingly. "By all means go on ahead! I'll humiliate you just like the first time! Tonbo! Kuwaga! Hachi! Stand down, I'm about to put this girl in her place!" Consumed by ego and heated from Jack's taunting the Lycoris Princess dissipates her aircraft strip and sails on over to where Jack is. The Ta-Class girls and the others can only watch as the admiral and the Lycoris Princess stare each other down, goading the other to make the first move.

"I've done a little training since the last time we fought!" Miss Lycoris says. "I'll have you drinking salt water before you know it!"

"There's a reason why they call me "Myke Teitoku". It'll end just like last time!" Jack chuckles before the two go at it just like the first time they fought. Miss Lycoris' training shines through as she manages to land the first strike, and she makes use of her robotic hands, grappling with the admiral before slamming her head into his. "OOF!"

"How do you like that?!" Miss Lycoris laughs.

"I bet you'll like this more!" Jack shouts as he lifts himself up and drives both feet into miss Lycoris' face, forcing her to let him go and knocking her back. The princess is stunned and she's left wide open to a nasty combo from the admiral, getting sent into the air with a rising uppercut.

"You got this teitoku! Kick her ass!" Kongou shouts.

"Come on! You can't let this happen twice!" One of the Ta-Class girls shouts, rooting the princess on as she recollects herself and continues to fight with Jack. Unfortunately the fight ends quickly as the princess gets dirty and nails the admiral right between the legs, and everyone cringes as Jack crumples to the ground in absolute agony.

"Oh!" Vinh shouts, crossing his legs as if he had felt the kick himself.

"Ouch..." Felicia and Linh say as they look away.

"Teitoku... Oh my god that looked painful..." Kongou says, trying not to look away and cringing.

"I don't care what kind of being you are, that has to hurt!" One of the Ta-Class girls says as she looks in shock.

"Looks like I've beat you this time." Miss Lycoris laughs. "Now we're even."

"But you still have many guns pointed at your head!" Felicia shouts. "Are you sure you want to stick around any longer?"

"You make a point." Miss Lycoris replies. "We will leave. I think we've had our fun. Until next time!" And with that the Abyssals leave without any more incidence, leaving Jack to slowly and painfully recover.

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