Waning Mettle

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The four admirals eventually regained their senses and they realized that once again the sisters have vanished to god knows where.

"What the hell was in that curry?" Jack mumbles as he checks up on his fellow admirals. "Are you guys okay?"

"I've... Never tasted anything like that before, it was just so... GROSS!" Felicia says.

"It's a good thing I do the cooking myself..." Vinh says, sticking his tongue out.

"Teitoku! Are you okay?!" Kongou asks as she and the other sisters rush in.

"Yeah... Could be better I guess." Jack replies as he slowly gets up. "What did you do with the rest of the curry?"

"We just tossed it." Haruna says. "Are you guys all right?"

"I think so." Linh replies as everyone gets back on their feet. "Let's see what's going on in the mess hall shall we?"

"Yeah, let's see what's going on there." Jack says. "I think I've had enough for lunch." And with that the group of eight heads into the mess hall where both seamen and shipgirls alike can be seen feasting on whatever's been cooked up in the kitchens besides what Kongou and company attempted to make. The mess hall is almost like what one would expect in an American public school cafeteria with many people simply talking amongst themselves and shipgirls and seamen mingling with one another and getting to know each other better.

"Oh wait, that reminds me, you're not from here are you?" Kongou asks Jack.

"Yeah, I have roots somewhere else." Jack replies as the group splits up and walks around the various tables, catching any gossip that might pop up every now and then. It's after they've split up that they notice that the seamen are... Rowdier than normal.

"Oh!" Linh shouts as a seaman throws a piece of chicken at her face. "What's the big deal?"

"Oh? Sorry!" The accused shouts. "I didn't mean it!"

"Just keep a level head all right?" Linh asks. "I don't want to have to call you out in front of everyone here."

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" Multiple seamen shout as one of their friends looks at a cup of something disgusting.

"Okay what's going on here?" Felicia asks as she and Haruna walk over.

"Ew, that looks nasty! Are you really going to make him drink that?!" Haruna asks.

"He was gloating about how brave he was so we gave him this!" One of the many seamen replies.

"First off you guys need to stop acting like little kids." Felicia begins. "And you, you might want to be careful with what you say."

"Hey hey hey, chill out over here, what's going on?" Vinh asks as he and Hiei stumble upon a heated argument between two seamen.

"He thinks he's all high and mighty and all that shit!" One seaman shouts.

"Well you're just too stuck up!" The other seaman shouts back. It looks like they're about to throw fists until Hiei bonks the both of them on the head, snapping them out of their heated trance.

"Why don't you two talk it out? That's what I'd do if I got into an argument with Kongou." Hiei says. "Speaking of Kongou... I wonder what she's doing with Jack..."

"KYAA!!!" Kongou screams and the entire cafeteria goes deathly silent.

"HIEE?! Kongou?!" Hiei shouts as she and Vinh look to where Kongou and Jack are.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Kongou yells as she hides behind Jack.

"Hey you." Jack says with an icy cold and low voice. His eyes practically bore holes through the seaman that just groped Kongou and the seaman chuckles defiantly.

"What?" The seaman asks. "Did I do something wrong?" He continues to chuckle in the face of what could be certain death until Jack grabs the seaman by the throat and lifts him up. "ACK! What the?!"

"Don't ever let me catch you doing this to her, or anyone else." Jack snarls. "If I catch you doing this again, you're going to wish the fleet admiral dealt with you instead of what I have in plan. You got that?" And with that he lets go of the seaman, who just barely manages to land on his feet and quickly take a seat to avoid the death glare that Jack is giving him. "That goes for anyone else who thinks they can get away with doing that to the girls here!" Jack shouts before he and Kongou leave the mess hall. As soon as they're out of sight of the others the admiral softens up and looks at Kongou. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I think so." Kongou replies. "Thank you..."

"I will never stand idly by when that kind of stuff happens." Jack says. "If anything happens, just come to me and I'll see if I can do anything."

"Hey, is everything all right?" Linh and Vinh ask as they meet up with Jack and Kongou.

"Yeah, just had to make sure she was okay." Jack replies. "Everyone in the mess hall being more orderly now?"

"After what you just said? Yeah." Linh says.

"That's good." Jack replies. "They better stay that way."

Kantai Collection: Kongou Class ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now