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While the lower ranking admirals stuck together, Jack and Kongou wandered off into a mall where the giddy battleship dragged her admiral along into various clothing stores, wondering if there was anything that tickled her fancy.

"Hey, Kongou slow down!" Jack chuckles as Kongou gently pulls him along.

"Come on teitoku!" Kongou says cheerily as she drags Jack into a crowded looking store. There are many famous fashion lines here, and Jack feels for his wallet- fearing that it will be much more empty once they leave. What Jack doesn't expect is for Kongou to pull him along to the changing rooms and it's not long before he finds himself inside one of the stalls with her.

"Whoa wait wait wait what are we doing in he-" Before Jack can question any further the battleship covers his mouth.

"Keep it down or you're going to attract attention!" Kongou whispers. "I just want your opinion on these outfits."

"Well you didn't have to drag me in here with you." Jack says, his voice muffled by Kongou's hand.

"I just don't want to come out and see some hussy trying to get all lovey dovey with you..." Kongou replies.

"THAT'S what she's worried about?" Jack asks in his head.

"You're really good looking on top of that!" Kongou continues. "But enough of that, I also pulled you in here so you could help me get some of these on." She finishes, uncovering Jack's mouth and allowing him to help her out.

"This is awkward... This is the first time I've been in here, with a girl let alone..." Jack says in his head as he looks away until she needs him.

"Hey teitoku, can you zip up the back please?" Kongou calls out and Jack turns to see Kongou trying to get the zipper of a dress that's been placed in the back.

"All right hold still, I don't want to catch your hair." Jack replies as Kongou holds her hair out of the way and Jack pulls up the zipper. Once that's done Kongou gives a twirl before turning to face Jack. The dress itself hugs Kongou's figure, showing off her curves and it stops just above the knees, showing off her toned legs.

"What do you think? You like?" Kongou giggles.

"You certainly look gorgeous." Jack says and Kongou turns away to hide a blush.

"You're just too sweet!" Kongou says as Jack turns away to let her try on another outfit. She doesn't appear to need any help for this one as Jack finds himself looking away for quite some time, but eventually he feels a hand on his head and he is slowly turned to face Kongou in what appears to be some sort of costume that resembles his uniform except for the fact that the pants have been traded out for a matching color skirt. "How about this?"

"Put on a hat and you'll look like me." Jack chuckles before they both burst out into laughter.

"I definitely want to buy this one now." Kongou giggles. "Forget about that other one, wait until Haruna and the others see this!" She continues to laugh as Jack turns away to let her change back into her normal outfit. Without any fuss the "teitoku costume" was purchased and Jack's wallet didn't take too heavy a hit, but as they head out though Kongou gets strange looks- some people simply stare, some look away while sporting frightened looks, some scowl and the little ones cling to their guardians for dear life as if Kongou would eat them alive if they so much as looked at her. Eventually the two leave the mall earlier than intended and Kongou looks at Jack worriedly. "Do they really think me that scary?"

"Well... It's probably the first time they've seen you." Jack replies. "But still, you look just like us, I don't see why you stood out so much so suddenly. I'm sorry if this ruined any other plans you might have had."

"Well, at least we got something out of it." Kongou says. "Let's see where the others are." She says as she whips out her phone and calls Haruna. "Hey Haruna, everything okay where you guys are?"

"Haruna is fine!" Haruna replies. "What happened with you guys?"

"Well we had to leave earlier than normal." Kongou says. "I got some weird looks from other people. Where are you?"

"We're back at the base actually!" Haruna replies. "We weren't out as long."

"All right, see you guys back there." Kongou says as she hangs up. "Well, let's head back on home."

"I'm sure there will be a better outing." Jack replies. "Besides, I like spending time with you."

"Y-You do?" Kongou asks.

"Yeah." Jack chuckles. "Sure you can be a little crazy at times, but that's what makes you unique."

"Aww thanks!" Kongou giggles as Jack links arms with her again. This time Jack slowly slinks his hand down until it brushes against hers and they intertwine fingers, making Kongou blush again.

"At least she's feeling better now." Jack chuckles in his head as he and Kongou head back to the base, hand-in-hand.

Kantai Collection: Kongou Class ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now