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"Ugh... Nothing to do... I am so bored..." Jack mumbles to himself as he lazes around in his quarters. "No activity for possibly months, and I don't have anything to do at this point..." The admiral tries looking through old documents, doing mini exercises in his room, anything to try and keep himself entertained, but alas he fails miserably as he once again finds himself sprawled out on his bed, trying to avoid messing up his uniform. "Man, what do I do now?" His thoughts are interrupted as he hears loud knocking on his door, and there is only one person who knocks that loud, especially on his door. "Come on in Kongou."

"GOOD MORNING teitoku!" Kongou shouts cheerily as she throws the door open. "Whatcha doing DESS?"

"Ow not so loud Kongou!" Jack says. "This is a small room you know?"

"Sorry..." Kongou replies sheepishly as she walks in. "So, what are you doing?"

"Just laying around honestly, I have nothing to do." Jack mumbles. "There's no battles to fight, no documents to look through, honestly I would be happy with some work."

"Mou~ Is that all you can think about?" Kongou asks. "Surely you can think of something other than fighting!"

"I'm sure there's something but I can't really go back to it." Jack replies.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Kongou asks.

"If you look at my desk there's a giant notebook right there." Jack replies. "Can you get it for me?"

"Sure thing!" Kongou replies as she spots the big notebook and tosses it to Jack. "What's in there?"

"A lot of stuff really, I write a lot." Jack says. "But now that I'm too preoccupied with admiral duties, I don't really write in this. There's probably like half the notebook that I can still write in."

"Well now you have the free time, why not?" Kongou asks.

"I just... Don't have the stuff to keep going I guess." Jack replies.

"Well if you're not going to use that, can I go ahead and look through it?" Kongou asks again and Jack nonchalantly nods as the battleship then begins looking through the big notebook. Stories upon stories have been compiled into the notebook and Kongou finds herself lost in in her mind as she imagines just what goes on in the stories, through her point of view that is. That's when she stumbles upon a romance story between her admiral and some other girl, and unsurprisingly she looks at him with cutely puffed cheeks.

"What?" Jack chuckles.

"Teitoku, you're not seeing other girls are you?" Kongou asks.

"I barely even remember their faces." Jack replies. "These were written when I was in my teens, I've long moved past them, but these stories are fun to look back on."

"Yo admiral!" Linh calls out as she peeks in. "What are you doing all spread eagle on the bed?"

"I'm just bored." Jack replies. "What have you been doing?"

"I've been out talking with other seamen and girls." Linh says. "Why haven't you gotten out and done that yet?"

"I just don't feel like it." Jack replies.

"Eh, your choice then." Linh chuckles as she walks off. "Hey Vinh, let's head outside! Our senior's being a couch potato!"

"I heard that!" Jack calls out before he lands on his bed with a loud poof. "Man, what to do..."

"Well, since you're going to be in here for the most part, I might as well make some tea." Kongou says.

"What kind is it?" Jack asks.

"English black tea!" Kongou replies. "It's THE BEST DESS! Alright I'm gonna go and make some." And with that the battleship rushes off.

"And just like that she's off." Jack chuckles to himself. "I haven't had tea before though honestly... It's too strong for my tastes." And with that the admiral continues to wait.

"I'M BACK DESS!" Kongou's voice calls out as she returns with a plate of scones in one hand, and a tea kettle with two cups in the other.

"Wait... Do we even have any british ships here?" Jack asks. "Where'd you get this from?"

"I'm english born silly! Forget where I came from already?" Kongou laughs as she sets the stuff in her hands on his work desk.

"Maybe I did." Jack chuckles as Kongou pours him a cup before pouring one herself. "But we don't normally get these on a daily basis, especially those scones."

"Oh I have my ways." Kongou giggles. "I so didn't raid a couple of british merchant ships for their goodies... Maybe... WHATEVER let's just drink this before it gets cold!" She quickly says before Jack can get any ideas.

"Alright, cheers I guess?" Jack chuckles awkwardly as he and Kongou sip away. "Hm... Not too bad."

"What is it?" Kongou asks.

"I haven't had tea after the first time I tried it because it was so strong, but this is actually pretty good." Jack replies. "I could see myself getting used to this." He adds as he takes a scone.

"Yeah, this is the best." Kongou chuckles as the two continue to kill time in his quarters.

Kantai Collection: Kongou Class ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now