3- Acceptance

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Nico POV

I wake up and see two people crowded on the floor. It's dark out and moonlight streams through the window. Great, I'm back in the infirmary. The events of what happened come back to me and I'm filled with dread. I get up to leave, so I can avoid facing Will, but pain shoots through my chest and I gasp. 

"Nico?" Will asks groggily. Man this guy must be a light sleeper. 

"Y-Yeah" I say, sitting back on the infirmary bed. Will sits on the edge, and I'm reminded of last time I was here. His blond hair shines in the moonlight and I can't help but think about how cute he is. 

I snap myself out of my thoughts about Will when he says "How's the pain?" I'm surprised he doesn't seem mad, but then again he's just doing his job. He probably hates me. 

"Uh it's not too bad... better than before." I mumble as I look down. Will touches my arm and I flinch away. He looks hurt, but I know it's better to just deal with the hate straight on. 

"Let's just get this over with. What insults are you gonna throw at me." I say harshly. He just looks at me, wide eyed. "I'll give you some tips; I've already heard tr*anny and f*g so please be more creative." Still no response. 

"Why do you think I'd insult you?" 

"Well, you know I'm trans. It's not normal. I'm a freak. I can see why you would hate me." I explain, but Will just smiles. 

"What?" I ask, getting angry. He's so cryptic. 

He laughs. "You really think I'd hate you for being trans? I'm gay, so I know what its like to be different. Just because you're different doesn't mean you're not normal. It's just how you are." 

I'm stunned. He's gay too? He doesn't hate me? "You mean... we're still friends?" 

Wil grins. "Yeah dude of course we're still friends. I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could tell me earlier though." He says, and I feel guilty. 

"Well no one besides my sister- uh, Bianca, not Hazel- and my dad knew before yesterday." I explain shyly. It's quiet for a bit before Hazel laughs. I did't even know she was awake.

"You mean to tell me that you told our dad, Hades, god of the Underworld, that you're trans? That is downright comedic." Hazel says, and I grin. "I had to tell him when he summoned me to his palace and thought I was still a girl. He took it better than expected actually; didn't blast me to dust or anything so I'd say that's a win." I explain. 

Will turns serious again and says "You know not to sleep with a binder on right?" I nod. "Especially not when you take 4 day long naps." He continues. "Because of your stupidity-" I punch his arm for that. "-you can't wear a binder for a week. The ambrosia will help heal you, but you still need time to rest." Will explains. 

"If I can't wear it for a week then what am I supposed to do? I can't exactly NOT wear my binder, everyone will know." I say, already panicking. 

"Simple. You'll just stay here all week." Will says with a sparkle in his eyes. "I'll stay with you, bring you food, and make sure no one you don't want to see comes in." 

"So basically you're like my annoying but hot bodyguard." I blurt out,instantly embarrassed. 

"Haha well I wouldn't say annoying, but definitely hot. I'm glad you agree." Will says with a smirk.

Oh my gods this will be a long week.

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