8- Swimming

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Nico POV

It's been almost two months since I came out to Percy and Jason. Since then, Will and I have become more open about our relationship and surprisingly, everyone has been really supportive. I still haven't come out as trans to anyone else, but at this point it's not about fear, it's just about finding the right time. I know that all of my friends will likely be accepting and even if they're not, I've got Percy, Will, Hazel and Jason to back me up.

Since it's getting warmer now, Piper decided to plan a swimming day for our friend group. I hate swimming because it makes me dysphoric, but Will wants to go so I suppose I'll go and just sit on the sand.

I get on my swim trunks and binder when I realize I don't actually have a swim shirt. I'm searching through my clothes when Will knocks on the door frame. "Hey death boy, you ready for some fun?" He ruffles my hair as he walks by me. 

"Yeah I just can't find my swim shirt, I must have accidentally donated it." Will frowns. 

"Hmm what if you just wear an old t shirt? It may be a little less comfortable but I think it's that or you swim in just your  binder, which I know you don't want." 

I sigh, knowing that he's right. "Yeah, okay." I grab an old large black shirt and put it on, adjusting it so it doesn't show my binder. "Guess I'm ready then." I say and start walking out the door. 

"Wait a minute, Neeks you need sunscreen first." Will says, pulling out a bottle of sun lotion. 

"Fine. Only because you're so cute." I take my shirt back off so Will can rub the sun lotion on my lower back and neck. Then I rub it on my stomach, face, arms and legs before putting shirt back on. "You happy now?" I ask will, scrunching my nose at the scent of sunscreen.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you." He replies as we walk outside, holding hands.

When we get to the beach, I set down Will and I's towels before flopping dramatically on top of them. 

"Wow Nico, I can tell you're just so excited to be here." Percy says as he walks up with Annabeth. 

"Oh yeah, I'm just thrilled." I reply before laughing and flicking sand at them. Thank the gods Piper, Hazel, and Frank walk up before Annabeth can get revenge. Hazel and Frank are visiting from camp Jupiter, so Piper had offered to catch them up on everything.

"Why don't we get in the water?" Piper says, and everyone agrees. 

"Uh- I uh I think I'll just stay here for now." I say, suddenly nervous. What if they see my binder accidentally? I know I said I'd come out to them soon but I was thinking maybe not all at once. 

"Aw come on Nico, I haven't seen you in forever! It'll be fun!" Frank says and Hazel nods. 

"Nah guys it's okay, I'm sure Nico will join us soon. Isn't that right?" Will says, looking at me as if to hint 'if you don't I will make you'. I nod and then watch as everyone splashes around in the ocean.

I sit on the sand for  about 30 minutes before Jason comes over. "Why don't you want to come in?" He asks, and I shrug. "Just self conscious I guess." Jason picks up on my lie and says, "They won't judge you, you know. I don't think they'll be able to see your binder but if they do, I'm sure they'll just think its a tank top or something." 

Jason and Percy have been so supportive these past months, and I've explained almost everything about me being trans. They're both really understanding and it's been nice to talk about stuff with someone other than Will, who looks more on the doctor side of things.

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