20- Top Surgery

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Will POV

It's been two days since we returned from the quest, and Nico decided he's ready to tell Chiron that he's trans. We've researched and he decided to go with Dr.Haven in New York, and she said that Nico could get surgery as soon as late next month, so all Nico needs now is Chiron's approval. We stand awkwardly in the doorway for a moment before Chiron asks, "Something wrong, boys?"  I nod at Nico encouragingly when he looks at me.

"Um so, I know you're aware of the LGBTQ community," Nico starts, and Chiron nods, "Um so I'm gay, as you know," Nico continues, smiling at me, "but I thought it was time that you know I'm also transgender."

Chiron smiles at him, and I can feel Nico relax slightly.

"My boy, I already knew this. Bianca had spoken with me when she was at camp, asking me to keep an eye on you. Of course, I am not one to judge and I support you completely. The goal of this camp is to provide a safe place for all demigods, including safe from discrimination." Chiron says, and Nico is smiling. "Now, I assume there is a reason you bring this up?" Chiron asks, and Nico nods in response.

"Yes sir, um I was hoping that you would allow me to get top surgery soon." Nico explains.

Chiron considers it for a moment before replying, "Well I don't see why not, it is of course your choice. Just let me know what days you need access to the city, and if I need to sign any forms."

Nico is smiling the hardest I've ever seen, and he even goes to hug Chiron, saying "Thank you so much. I'll bring by the forms later."

I walk next to Nico as he crutches back to his cabin. "I told you, nothing to worry about. Chiron is chill. I'm proud of you though, I know coming out takes guts." I say, and Nico smiles up at me. We spend the day finalizing plans and figuring out logistics for his surgery day.

After dinner, Chiron signs all of the necessary paperwork and we call Dr.Haven's office to officially set the days of appointments and the surgery itself. 

Afterwards, Nico and I are cuddling in his bed, and he hasn't stopped smiling all day. "Thank you." Nico says, kissing me. I smile at him and say "Anything for you, death boy"

Nico POV 

[Top Surgery Day]

I'm sitting in the clean white office, waiting to be called in. Will is sitting next to me, holding my hand. A nurse comes in and says, "Nico Di Angelo?"

Will and I stand up, and she leads us into a medical room. "Just wait here, the doctor will be with you shortly." She says, and I nod.

"You ready?" Will asks, and I nod.

"A little nervous, but I've been waiting a long time for this." I say, and Will is about to say something when the doctor comes in.

She smiles at us and says "Hello Nico, Will. I'm just here to go over everything once more before we prep you for surgery, Nico." I nod, and listen as she lists everything we already talked about- double incision, without drains, and the healing process.

After Dr.Hazen finishes going over everything, she leaves and the nurse comes back in.

"Okay, Mr. Di Angelo, I'm going to being preparing you for surgery now." I nod, and turn to Will. "Uh... can you wait outside for this? I don't really want you to see my chest until after." I say sheepishly, and Will looks a little hurt but nods anyways.

"Of course, I'll be right outside." He says, and I smile gratefully.

Will POV

I wait in the hallway as Nico is prepped for surgery, hurt that he didn't want me with him, but I understand- I've only ever seen his chest a handful of times, all of which were to keep him from dying. He hates his chest, and I'm glad he'll finally be able to be comfortable in his body.

"Mr. Solace, you can go back in now." The nurse says as she walks by me. I nod, walking in the room to see Nico in a hospital gown, with an IV set up in his arm.

We sit in silence for a few minutes before Nico whispers "What if I don't like it?" My heart melts as I look at him, so filled with anxiety.

"Neeks, this is your choice. I think you know yourself well enough to know that this will make you happy. And if you decide that you don't like it, there's always adjustments available." I say, and he nods, fidgeting with his fingers.

A few minutes later, another nurse enters and I walk alongside the bed as Nico is wheeled into the operating room. Nico looks up at me and grips my hand when we reach the doors. I'm not allowed inside, so this is as far as I go.

"I love you." he says, and I smile. "I love you too. Now go get the chest you've always wanted. I'll be here when you wake up." I kiss the top of his head, and watch as he's wheeled into the room. 

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