10- Out and Proud

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Nico POV

"Leo! How are you dude?" 

"I'm good, but you look better! Have you been working out? And is that a smile I see? We definitely need to catch up, and you need to tell me what happened to Mr. Gloom." Leo replies, and I laugh. 

"Yeah for sure, we'll get the gang together for a reunion tonight, ok? Meet at the Zeus cabin after dinner." I say, and Leo nods before going to find his girlfriend, Calypso. Jason and I had talked about it and decided the Zeus cabin has a better atmosphere than mine, which makes sense since mine is all dark and this reunion is supposed to be happy.

I stress all day about what to tell Leo at the party; Should I just tell him I'm gay and dating Will? Or maybe it's time to tell everyone that I'm trans. Even Frank will be here since he and Hazel came back to see Leo. But I don't want to take away from Leo's spotlight. By the time dinner comes around, I'm a ball of nerves and still don't have a plan.

When everyone arrives at the Zeus cabin, we arrange some chairs we borrowed in a circle. I'm next to Will of course, and Percy is on my other side. Will looks a little uncomfortable since he doesn't know Leo all that well, but I asked him to be here. He takes my hand and squeezes it reassuringly and I smile at him. When I look up, Leo is watching us and I blush. Maybe he already knows? I think to myself.

"Alright Valdez, you first! How has traveling the world been?" Percy asks with a grin.

"It's been great. Calypso and I have seen almost 30 countries and we don't plan to stop. I'll show you guys the pictures later, but first I want to know what's happened around here." 

Piper and Jason do most of the talking, with the others filling in things they forgot. Than the gods no one brought up me and Will dating, I think they all caught on that I want to tell him myself. I'm shaking from nerves, but hopefully I won't even have to tell him. 

No such luck. Just as I think that, Leo asks, "Don't get me wrong, I'm chill with Will and all, but can someone explain the tension I'm feeling from those two?" He says as he gestures at Will and I.

 I blush and say, "Um yeah so I'm gay." Leo nods, so I continue, "And uh Will and I started dating almost four months ago." I explain.

 Leo nods and says "Oh cool, I'm happy for you dude. I can tell you're a lot happier with Will."

It's quiet for a moment and Jason is staring at me as if to say 'Now's the time, tell him you're trans'. I take a deep breath and blurt out "Also I have something I've been meaning to tell some of you." Everyone who already knows I'm trans nods encouragingly, so I go on. "Most of you already know this, but a few of you don't. I'm transgender." 

No one gasps or looks at me with hatred, but no one says anything either until Frank says "Um, so what does that mean exactly? I'm sorry I just don't know what that is." 

I chuckle and start explaining, "I was born in the wrong body. I was born female but that's just not who I am, I'm actually male, so I socially transitioned back before I went to the Lotus Hotel. Basically I'm still Nico but I just felt it was important to tell you guys because it's a part of who I am, even if I hate it." Frank nods and everyone is smiling. 

"I gotta say, I'm proud of you Nico. That takes guts to tell us, and I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share that part of you." Leo says, for once not making a joke. I smile at him in gratitude. Everyone goes quiet again before Piper breaks the silence. 

"While we're spilling secrets and all, I'm bisexual. Basically I enjoy both men and women." I grin and Annabeth says "Welcome to the club. Population: 2." Everyone takes a moment to decipher that before she explains, "I'm bi too." 

"Well isn't this fun? A little coming out party, if you will." I say to ease the tension. Everyone smiles and soon we're back to talking about less serious topics- specifically, what way a dog would wear pants. 

We spend the evening talking and laughing, just enjoying each other's company. We plan to go swimming tomorrow morning before Leo and Calypso leave, and for once I'm not nervous. It feels good to be fully out as myself.

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