4- Infirmary

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Nico POV

It's been five days in the infirmary and I'm already going crazy. I never thought I'd say this, but I want to go outside and enjoy the sunlight.  Will has been amazing, he spends all of his free time with me when he's not in classes. Hazel visits me a lot too; she was originally only visiting from camp Jupiter for the weekend, but she's decided to stay the whole week to make sure I heal. I don't let anyone else visit. I haven't seen Jason, Percy, Annabeth, or any of the others in almost two weeks now. They've tried to visit but Will has kept them out. I can hear the arguing every time someone comes.

Will comes in and snaps me out of my thoughts. "Breakfast has arrived" He bows and presents it to me. "Why thank you my good sir." I say, laughing. I look at the plate he brought and my stomach turns. "I- I'm actually not hungry." I say, feeling queasy.  I set the plate aside and Will frowns. 

"You haven't eaten much, are you feeling okay?" I asks, checking my forehead for fever. 

I smile and nod. "Yeah I'm fine, just not hungry." A complete lie. Not wearing my binder has taken a toll on me mentally. My dysphoria is amped up to 11/10 when I can usually manage through the day at about 4/10. I'm disgusted by what I see every day and sometimes I wish I had faded completely into the underworld. It would be better than this. 

Will doesn't seem to buy my lie but he let's it go anyways. "So what do you want to do today? Play cards? I could read you a book? Or maybe we could get percy in here to give you a water show." 

"No. Will, you know I don't want anyone else seeing me... not when I look like, like THIS." I say angrily, gesturing to my body. "I can barely handle you and Hazel as it is." 

Will looks hurt and I feel guilty. "Look, I'm sorry Will. This just isn't fun for me, and I took my anger out on you, I shouldn't have done that." 

"It's okay Neeks, I know this can't be easy for you. Can I do anything to help?" Gods why is he so sweet. 

"Don't call me Neeks." I try to sound angry but I just can't stay mad at him. 

He just laughs and says "Okay death boy. How about we just talk? We've spent 5 days together but I feel like I barely know you." 

I smile and say "That... actually sounds nice, sunshine." Will raises his eyebrow at the nickname and says "Sunshine, huh?" I just smile and pat the bed next to me. 

We lay on the bed and just talk about everything and anything. I tell him about Bianca, my sister who died a hero. He tells me about his family. We talk about the future and the past, all while enjoying the present. It's honestly the best time I've had all week. It's so peaceful just laying there, and I fall asleep on his shoulder.

Will POV

I finish describing my dream house to Nico, and when I look over he's asleep on my arm. He looks so peaceful and sweet when he's asleep. He tries to have this dangerous bad boy appeal, but I know he's more like a puppy on the inside. I lay there an just think for a while, maybe two hours. I'm just laying there and playing with his hair when Percy walks in. I shoot him a glare and make sure Nico is covered before I speak. 

"Percy you know you're not allowed in here. If Nico finds out about this I'll be dead." I whisper.

He nods and says "I just want to make sure he's okay. I haven't seen him in two weeks. And I want to know why he won't let me or anyone else visit." 

I sigh, knowing I can't expose Nico but also knowing that Percy won't leave without an answer. "He's mostly okay. He just doesn't feel up to visitors right now." I explain, which isn't a complete lie.

"Why is he only mostly okay?" Percy asks, worried. I can tell he cares a lot about Nico, and I feel bad for making him worry, but it's not up to me when or if Nico tells Percy that he's trans. 

"He's healing from the shadow traveling still. He's doing well but still isn't stable enough that he won't fade next time he tries." Again, not a complete lie. "And I think he's a little depressed, so it's best to just give him space for now. He'll talk when he wants to." That's a full truth; I'm worried about Nico, he hasn't been himself lately. 

Percy nods and says "You guys are cute together." He leaves before I can comment. I lay back and wait for Nico to wake up.

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