22- The End

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Will POV

I'm sitting in the waiting room, holding Nico's hand while we wait for the doctor. He gets his drains out today, and then I can fully heal him.

"You nervous to see your chest?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "No, I know Dr. Hazen did a good job. I'm just glad that I can take off the itchy bandages."  Nico replies, and I nod.

"Mr. Di Angelo, come on in." A nurse says, and we stand up, following her into a back room.

"Hey boys, this will be a fairly quick appointment. Just gotta take the drains out, check your stitches, and go through long term care information. Nico, how are you feeling?" Dr.Hazen says, and Nico replies, "I'm feeling okay. Not really in pain, it's just uncomfortably tight. And itchy." 

Dr.Hazen chuckles and says "Yeah, you'll feel that way for at least another week or so, nothing to worry about." 

Nico nods and smiles softly at me; we both know he'll only feel that for another hour at most.

"Alright, Nico just please lie down here..." The doctor says, gesturing to a medical bed, and Nico complies. She starts unwrapping his bandages, and eventually his bare chest is visible.

"I- wow," I say and Nico nods, staring at himself in the mirror. "Wow is right." He whispers, smiling.

"I'm glad you like the results. Of course, your chest is still swollen and will be for a few days, so it will look even better once the swelling dies down." Dr.Hazen says, and Nico nods, speechless.

"Okay, you're going to feel a slight pinch when I pull out the drain...3, 2, 1" She says, and Nico winces as she removes the tube in his right side.

"Good, now the left. 3,2,1" Dr.Hazen says, and Nico winces again but relaxes when she steps away.

"Okay, your stitches all look good, better than normal actually, you must be a fast healer." Dr.Hazen says, and I chuckle a bit.

"I gave you the care packet before surgery, but I'm just going to remind you to be careful for a while. No exercise for four weeks, and after that only light cardio for two weeks, then slowly you can start weightlifting if that is something you do. Reaching your arms above your head is going to hurt, just be careful so you don't break the stitches. Apply ointment twice a day for two weeks, and after you can use scar treatment of your choice. The nipples will scab and fall off, yours look to be about a week away from healing. Avoid direct sunlight for a month, and be gentle when you shower. If any issues pop up, don't be afraid to call or walk in for an appointment if it's urgent." Dr.Hazen explains, and both Nico and I nod.

"Great, any questions?" She asks, and Nico says "No, I don't think so. Thank you Dr.Hazen."

"All right, then you two are all set." She says, smiling.

Nico and I make our way to the camp van, where Argus is waiting. I help him buckle his seat belt before sitting beside him, holding his hand as Argus starts driving.

When we get back to camp, we go straight to the infirmary and he unbuttons his shirt, sitting down on a private bed.

"Heal me up, handsome." He says smiling, and I laugh.

"Dork." I mumble, placing my hands on his chest. My hands start to glow, and he winces a bit before relaxing. I'm careful to go slow and give his body time to adjust, and soon enough his previously red and swollen chest is healed, left with only two scars below his pectorals.

"Are you sure you want me to leave the scars? I can heal those too if you'd like," I ask, and Nico smiles softly.

"No thanks... I want them as a reminder of what it took to get here. They're a part of my journey, and I wouldn't change that." He says, and I smile ruffling his hair.

"Alright Mr. Philosopher, what do you say we go swimming? Show off your new chest?" I ask, and he grins.

"I'm so down. Are you sure I don't have to follow Dr. Hazen's orders?" He asks nervously, and I chuckle.

"Nope, you're all healed. Maybe do some scar treatment at night just to keep the tissue healthy, but other than that you are good to go." I say, putting my arm around him as he stands up.

"Alright then, let's go swimming." He says, grinning. 

Nico POV

This will be my first time swimming shirtless... ever. Pretty big moment, and I wouldn't ask to spend it with anyone other than my best friends and my boyfriend.

Will and I meet up with everyone at the dock, and none of them know I've had top surgery except Will and Hazel since I decided to keep it a surprise.

"Hey guys, let's get in the water, yeah?" I say, grinning, and Annabeth looks at me suspiciously.

"You never ant to swim... Why now?" She asks, and I laugh.

"Because now I don't have to be uncomfortable." I saw, smirking as I take off my shirt.

It's quiet for a minute before Percy finally says "No way. You got top surgery!" He shouts, hugging me, and I laugh.

"I wanted to keep it a surprise, I got surgery a week ago and Will fully healed me today." I say as everyone takes turns hugging me or slapping me on the back.

"This is huge dude, congrats. I know how badly you wanted surgery." Jason says, smiling.

"Yeah, thanks guys. Your support has been... overwhelming. I couldn't imagine hiding who I am from you guys, you're my family." I say, and Will replies "Wow, apparently Nico not only got rid of his chest but also his froze heart." I laugh, shoving Will playfully.

"Shut up, I can't be sentimental one time?" I say, kissing him. He smiles, jokingly mumbling "Okay fine, just this once."

"Alright, sentimental time over, let's have fun!" Percy says, running into the water, carrying Annabeth on his back.

Annabeth laughs as Percy throws her in the water. I grab Will's arm and run into the ocean, and everyone else follows.

We spend the day playing in the water, without a care in the world of any responsibilities. Even Reyna, Hazel, and Frank stop by, on a visit from camp Jupiter.

"I'm so proud of you. Bianca would be too." Hazel whispers to me while we hug.

"Thanks Hazel, it means a lot. I just wish she were here to see me." I say back, and she smiles sadly. "Yeah, I know. She'd be over the moon happy for you, there's no doubt about that, even if I never met her." She replies, and I smile.

"Yeah, well... she would have loved you. And hey,  I love you, sis." I say, and she laughs.

"I love you too dork. It's getting late, we should head to dinner." She says, shoving my shoulder playfully.

We walk to the dining hall, and I spend the evening laughing, surrounded by my family- sure, we're not really related by blood, but that doesn't make them any less of my family.

In the moment, things seem okay. I will be okay. 



A/N- Annnndddd that's a wrap! What did y'all think? I'll probably be adding an epilogue or a few bonus chapters later, but I really loved writing this! 

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