19- Return

554 18 6

Nico POV

The way back to camp is much easier than the way to rescue Rachel. Taking a cab to a train station, we decide its best to get two sleeper cars for the two day train ride back to New York, with Percy and Rachel sharing one, and Will and I in the other.

Currently, we've all showered and changed, exhausted after fighting all those monsters. Rachel is still pretty beat up, but Will is too weak to heal her anymore at the moment. He tried to heal my ankle some more, but almost passed out again in the process, so I made him stop. I can handle a few days of pain if it means keeping Will safe.

I've also put my binder back on, much to Wills disliking. He thinks I'm not healed enough, which is probably true, but Rachel doesn't know I'm trans and I'm much more comfortable wearing my binder than I am without it. She's probably already noticed my chest since I had to fight without my binder, but she didn't say anything about it, so maybe not.

The four of us are sitting in Will and I's room, discussing recent events. Rachel describes what the monsters put her through, and we tell her everything she's missed at camp half blood. Apparently, the monsters work for Kronos and were still mad after the last titan war, trying to use Rachel as a way to see if the titan returns.

Eventually, we all decide to get some rest, and Percy and Rachel leave for their room. 

"Hows your ankle?" Will asks, and I shrug. 

"Not too bad. Still can't walk on it well, but the ambrosia definitely helps." I say, and Will nods. 

"Once I get my strength up, I'll try to heal you again." He says, and I shake my head.

"You just worry about you, okay? I'll be fine, sunshine. It's just a broken ankle, it'll heal." 

Its quiet as we each get ready to sleep. I snuggle next to Will's warm body, already feeling my eyes droop when he says "Don't forget to take off the binder." 

I groan, sitting up and doing what he says. He looks away until I tell him my shirt is back on. "Stupid binder, I wish I didn't even need it." I mumble, and Will frowns.

"You know, I bet we could find a way to get you top surgery." Will says, and I look at him.

"Are you joking? If you're joking I'll murder you." I say, and he smiles. 

"No I'm not joking. I have money saved up, and if Chiron approves it, then yeah we could figure it out." Will says, and I frown.

"Never mind then." I grumble, leaning back into his arms.

"What? Why? You hate your chest, I know you've wanted top surgery for a long time." Will says, confused.

"Yeah, I know, but... I don't want you to waste your money on me. And besides, Chiron doesn't know I'm trans." I explain, and Will looks shocked.

"Neeks, I want to do this for you. I love you, and it pains me whenever you get hurt because of your binder. It pains me when you get so dysphoric that you can't leave your cabin. I want to help you, you're my boyfriend, and you could never be a waste of my money." He says, and I smile. He keeps finding new ways to make me fall in love everyday. He continues, "I know telling Chiron is scary, but you'll need to if you want surgery. He won't kick you out of camp, if you're worried about that- he's always been really supportive of the LGBT community." 

I nod, replying "Yeah, I know... the gay flag he puts on the Big House during pride month is sweet, but still... he'll be the first adult I've told that actually has a say in my life- I know he won't, but he could kick me out if he really wanted to." 

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