15- Hurt

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Nico POV

"The furies are back"

Those words jolt me into action and any pain from my ribs fades into the background. I nod at Percy, and we rush back to the sleep away cabin we were staying in. 

"Alright, they haven't attacked yet but I'm assuming they will soon- we have a little time to prepare, but we better do it fast." Percy says to Will and I, both of us nodding.

I strap my sword onto my hip and adjust my binder as discreetly as possible, earning a concerned look from Will, which I brush off- now is not a time to worry about me over binding. 

Just as we finish repacking and getting essential supplies ready, the door barges open and the three furies are in our room. Percy is the first to attack, swinging Riptide with such ferocity that the furies hesitate- just for a second, which I capitalize on and swiftly strike one of the crusty looking things through its stomach. The fury combusts into dust- one down, two to go. 

Percy has greatly injured his, but it appears to be the strongest one. Will appears to have a handle on his, so I help Percy and we corner the fury, working together surprisingly well, and soon enough it settles into dust on the floor. 

"Uh, guys? A little help here?" Will shouts, struggling to fend off the last fury. I look up just in time to see it overpower Will, and me being stupid, I jump in front of it, taking the claws to my shoulder and chest. I stumble back, falling to the ground as my body sears with pain, and watch as Percy and Will turn the last one to ash. My vision goes dark just as Will leans over me.

Will POV

"Nico!" I shout, shaking him, trying to get him to wake up. "Neeks..." I say, looking at his unconscious body. Blood is seeping through his shirts, which must mean he's bleeding a lot- he always wears at least three layers. I take a shaky breath to regain my focus- If I'm going to save my boyfriend, I'll need to be calm.

"Percy, get me ambrosia and the medical kit." I say, already starting to take off his clothes. I take the hoodie off easily, but I can't get the shirts off without hurting him more. 

Percy brings me the medical kit, and I search through it for scissors. Finding some, I cut away Nicos clothes until he's in just his binder.

Schist. His binder. I can't cut it off, he'll hate me. But I can't let him die. 

"Percy, you're gonna have to help me take his binder off." I say, and Percy hesitates.

"Are you sure? I- I dont think Nico would like it if he knew I saw his chest." 

"Percy, its life or death, he'll forgive you. I hope." I whisper the last part and Percy nods, crouching on the other side of Nico.

Together we slowly wiggle him out of his binder, and I gasp at the sight of his bare chest. Its bruised all over, and I know not all of it could be caused from the fight. Blood is dripping down his arm and chest from a couple of really deep gashes- he'll scar for sure, even with my healing.

"Gods..." Percy whispers, and I nod. "Definitely not good. He'd already been binding for way too long, the fight probably would've hurt him even if he didn't take on that fury." I say, already cleaning his chest with antiseptic and force feeding him ambrosia. I take some ambrosia as well, knowing I'll need my strength to heal Nico.

I place my hands on his wounds, praying to my father and urging my power into Nico. I groan as I start to feel his pain- no wonder he passed out, I'm close to that myself. The gashes slowly start closing; too slowly. I'm getting faint, the pain is almost unbearable, and I feel a hand on my shoulder. 

"Will... don't go too far." Percy says, and I collapse. I know he's right, I need my strength for when we find Rachel. But I can't just let Nico die. 

I take more ambrosia, feeling well enough to sit up. I look at Nico, and his wounds are almost completely healed, but still too deep. 

"Percy, do you know how to stitch?" I ask, and he nods. Of course, all campers were required to take a first aid class.

"When I faint, stitch Nico up, wrap his wounds, and continue feeding him ambrosia." I say, and Percy says"Will, you can't just kill yourself for Nico. You need to be healthy too." 

"I know, and I'll be fine; much better shape than Nico, at least. We're wasting time by arguing about this, will you do it?" I ask, and he nods.

I place my hands on Nico once again, taking a deep breath to steady myself. I feel the rest of my strength course through my hands into Nico, and my vision gets spotty. He stops bleeding just before everything goes dark.

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