11- Belong

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Nico POV

Will and I run down to the beach together, holding hands. Hazel and Frank are already at the beach with Percy, Annabeth, Leo and Calypso. Piper and Jason said they'd meet us down here. I'm about to run into the water, but Will stops me and says "Sunscreen for my Shadow King" I groan but stand still while he sprays me with sunscreen. Then I spray him and we walk into the water together. 

"Looking good, Di Angelo!" Annabeth yells, making me blush. She's so embarrassing sometimes. I'm wearing only my binder  and no shirt this time, since we're at a secluded part of the beach and no other campers will bother us. Everyone knows this is a big deal for me since I used to not even be able to be this comfortable around Will. But for once, I'm not worrying about anyone finding out I'm trans, or gay, or a demigod. For once, I'm just Nico. And it feels great.

Once Piper and Jason arrive, we start doing chicken fights. I get on top of Will's shoulders and we dominate, at least until I come face to face with Percy. 

"Dont do it, Jackson." I say, already knowing his plan. He just smiles and says "Do what?" as he sends a huge water stream at my face. I fall off of Will but he catches me. He leans down to kiss me and Percy says "get a room you two" I just laugh and kiss Will more before retaliating with "I put up with you and Annabeth on the Argo-ii, so you can put up with Will and I." 

Soon we're saying goodbye to Leo and Calypso, who we made swear on the River Styx to come back and visit. They fly off on Festus, Leo's mechanical dragon, and we all part ways to our cabins. Will practically lives with me in the Hades cabin, even though it's against the rules. Chiron has tried to enforce the rules, but I had an anxiety attack/mental breakdown in the middle of the night and lets just say everyone agreed it's best if Will has free access to my cabin.

I flop on my bed and Will joins me, playing with my hair like he likes to do. I would never complain, I love it. Will says "I'm so proud of you Neeks"

I smile up at him and ask "Oh yeah? What for, sunshine?"

"I'm proud that you're finally being yourself. It takes a lot of bravery to accept yourself and then also look to other for acceptance, and in the past 6 months you've grown into your identity so much." Will explains and I hum in agreement. "You're not afraid to go swimming in just a binder, which 6 months ago would have sent you into a panic attack. You seem more confident, more happy, just more... you. And I fall in love with you a little more each day."

I'm quiet for a minute, just enjoying Will's company, before I respond. "I couldn't have done it without you, Will. You've guided me and supported me from day one. When I was panicking because I got my first period, you didn't run away like I expected. You got right down on the floor with me and helped me accept that part of me. You were the first one at camp to know I'm trans. You repeatedly tell me how much you love me, even when I dont love me, and it's made all the difference. I'm so grateful for you Will, and I don't want to imagine my life without you." 

"Okay well if that lovey dovey stuff is over, do you guys want to go eat dinner? I'm starving." Says Havel from the doorway, and Will and I jump. 

"How long were you standing there?" I ask. She rolled her eyes and says "The whole time. This is my cabin too ya know." I just nod and then take Will's hand as he helps me off the bed. We all walk to dinner together, and I finally feel like I belong.

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