6- Red

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Nico POV

Things the past two weeks have been great. Will and I went on a nice date, he set up a picnic on the beach and we had a good time. I still haven't told anyone besides Jason, Percy and Annabeth that I'm gay, and only Hazel knows Will and I are dating. Only Will and Hazel know I'm trans. I'm starting to feel suffocated under all of my secrets, but I know it's for the best. I can never tell who will be supportive and who wont be, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

I haven't been too dysphoric now that I can wear a binder again. That is, until I wake up in a puddle of my own blood. I knew it would happen at some point, but I really hoped it wouldn't happen so soon. 

I search the cabinets for any supplies Hazel may have left, but there are none. Schist. I'm crying and trying not to panic, but it's not working. I scream in anger; of course it's not enough that I'm gay, I just had to be trans. I just had to be cursed with a monthly bleeding schedule. I start to panic. The walls are closing in on me and I can't breathe. I can feel myself fading. Not into the underworld, but into my own thoughts. When I get like this, I get so caught up in my head that I stare into space and just panic on the inside. It could be hours before I get back to reality.  

Will POV

When Nico doesn't show up to breakfast, I get worried. He never really eats much but he always shows up, no matter what. After I eat, I go to the Hades cabin. I knock but there's no answer, which worries me. Nico never oversleeps. The door is locked, but thank the gods I know how to pick a lock. I walk in and see nothing out of the ordinary. 

"Nico?" I call, walking around. I reach his bed and my stomach drops. There's blood. There's about two things that could have happened; Nico started his menstrual cycle, or someone hurt him. Both things worry me. 

There's a light seeping under the bathroom door, so I nudge it open and see him sitting on the floor, breathing heavy and fidgeting with his hands, staring at the wall. He doesn't seem to have noticed that I came in. I shake him and he flinches. 

"Nico? Nico do you know who I am?" I ask. I wait a few moments, he looks at me and something clicks. "Sunshine?" he whispers, his voice raw. I smile. "Yeah death boy, it's me. You wanna tell me what's wrong?" I ask as I sit next to him. 

He mumbles something and I can't hear what he said. "Can you repeat that?" I ask gently. I know what's wrong, but I want to hear him say it. It might help him proccess. 

"I got my... uh I started my period and I just..." he trails off. I look at him and say "Why are you on the floor?" He looks down as if he just realized he was on the floor.  "Panic attack. " he whispers. I nod and we sit there for a while longer. Once I'm sure he's calm enough, I get up and say "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" He nods and stands up. There's blood on the floor and on his pants, which means he was here for a while, at least an hour. 

I lead him to the shower and help him take off his shirt and pants, leaving him in only his binder and bloody boxers. He's silently crying and I'm filled with sadness; I just want him to be okay. 

"Okay, can you handle showering while I go get you some pads and new clothes?" I ask, not wanting to leave him but I know I have to so I can help. He nods and starts the water. I rush off to the infirmary.

Nico POV

Will leaves and I stand there, still panicking slightly. I can't stand seeing my body, so I turn off the lights and get in the shower. I hear Will come in and then leave, and when I get out of the shower I see a pile of fresh clothes, boxers, and a pad set next to my binder. I get dressed in the dark as fast as I can, and then walk out to see Will cleaning my bed. 

I go red with embarrassment. I hate that he has to see me like this. I hate that I have to be like this. I hate it all and I'm so angry that I start crying again. Will comes over and hugs me tightly, rubbing my back. "I'm sorry" I mumble into his chest. 

He sits me down on the edge of the bed, looks at me very seriously and says "Don't apologize. It's not your fault you were born in the wrong body. Besides, I'm a doctor, I'm plenty comfortable with caring for people on their periods." I nod and look around the cabin. 

"I can handle the um... the blood. You don't have to stay." I force myself to say, even though I know he'll be hurt. 

"Nico, I'm staying. I've already cleaned most of the bed so once I get fresh sheets on it, you're going to lay down and get comfortable while I clean up the bathroom. Then I'm going to get in bed and cuddle and talk with you, because I know that if I leave you alone I'll never forgive myself. Ok?" 

I nod, and Will goes back to cleaning the bed.  I help him put new sheets on and then I do exactly as he said: I get comfortable. Will comes out of the bathroom and picks up my dirty laundry bin. "I'm gonna set this outside so the wood nymphs know to clean it, and then we're all set for a day of self care." I just nod in response and once Will comes back inside, I move over to make room for him on the bed. 

We lay there and he plays with my hair. He talks to me about his classes, and even though I don't talk, I make sure he know's I'm listening. Over an hour goes by, and I'm finally feeling a little okay. I make myself talk, even though my voice sounds too high and it makes me more dysphoric. 

Around 11 am, I start to get a weird feeling in my stomach. It feels like my intestines are fighting each other, and it hurts so bad. Will notices my change in demeanor and he seems to know exactly whats up. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get you some stuff to help with the cramps." I just nod and curl into a ball of Nico. 

He come back with ambrosia, a heat pack, and chocolate. He rubs my back as we cuddle more and eventually my cramps ease up. "Don't you have class today?" I asked Will.

"Yeah but I told Chiron I'm helping you with something and need the day off, so my schedule is clear for today." I smile. He really cleared his schedule for me? That's so sweet. 

We spend the day in my bed, relaxing, and we both fell asleep at one point. I wake up around 5pm and I'm about to fall back asleep when Will says, "Hey Neeks it's Dinner time" I groan and roll over. "I know you don't want to eat and probably are really dysphoric but can you at least try? For me?" I can't refuse those puppy dog eyes, so we head to the dining pavilion. 

I eat half an orange and watch from the Hades table as Will eats dinner. He glares at me until I finish the orange, and eventually we're walking back to my cabin. Will spends the night with me, despite it being against the rules. I sleep well knowing that maybe I'll be okay with Will by my side.

Death Boy and Sunshine (Solangelo)Where stories live. Discover now