18- Rescue

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Percy POV

We pull up to the address the car that took Rachel was last seen at, and I instantly know we're in the right place.

"I've seen this before." Will mumbles, and I nod. 

"Me too, in my nightmares." I say, and Nico agrees.

We get out of the cab, paying and thanking the driver before we walk around the building. After finding a good place to stash our things for an easy escape, Nico says "Alright, does anyone have a plan?"

Neither Will nor I speak, and Nico sighs before continuing "Alright, then here's my plan. Percy, you go around back while I enter through the front. We meet in the middle, find Rachel, and get her out. Will, you wait here and be ready to heal her- based on our nightmares, I know she'll be in bad shape." 

I nod, and Will says "Okay, but if you're not back in 10 minutes I'm going in." Nico nods, and we all get our supplies ready- me, uncapping Riptide, Nico strapping on his sword, and Will setting up some medical supplies.

Nico kisses Will, and they have a mumbled conversation. "Ready?" I ask Nico, and he nods. 

Nico POV

I'm running through a dark, abandoned building filled with monsters- what could possibly go wrong? 

Everything, is the correct answer. 

At first, its easy going, only a few stray monsters that I easily slash into dust. I meet up with Percy, and we both know exactly where to go- we've lived this out before, in our dreams.

Going up a set of stairs, Percy kills a few monsters, and we reach a door. Its definitely the room Rachel is being held in, because there's a lot more monsters guarding it.

Somehow, Percy and I manage to break through with only a few scrapes. 

Rachel is tied to a chair, gagged, and covered in cuts and bruises. She's unconscious, meaning one of us will have to carry her. 

I cut through her ropes and lift her in my arms. Percy asks if he should carry Rachel, but that just makes me angry- why shouldn't I carry her? Is it because I'm trans? I'm just as strong as Percy. 

About halfway down the stairs, I trip, landing on my ankle as Rachel falls with me. My leg flares in sharp pain, and I cry out. 

"Come on Nico, we need to get out of here. Can you walk?" Percy asks as he picks up Rachel. I try to stand but fall over again.

"I- I don't know, I think my ankle is broken." I say, and he nods.

"I'll be right back, stay here." He says, as if I could go anywhere.

A few minutes later, he comes back and picks me up, despite my protests.

When we get back outside, Will is pale as he heals Rachel. Percy sets me down next to Will, and I put my hand on Will's shoulder. "Hey, don't over do it. Just heal her enough to wake up, you need to stay awake until we can find a way back to camp." I say gently, and Will nods, removing his hands from Rachel a few moments later as she begins to stir.

Rachel POV

Someone is touching me. Warmth is flooding into my body, and it feels nice. I open my eyes to see three boys surrounding me. As my vision focuses, I recognize Percy and Nico, but I don't think I've ever met the blond one. 

The blond one asks "Hey. How are you feeling?" I sit up, groaning.

"Not great." I say and he chuckles. 

"Yeah, I figured. Are you well enough to walk?" He asks, and I nod. Percy helps me up and helps me stand as I gain my balance. 

The blond guy turns to Nico and asks "What about you, can you walk now?" Nico shakes his head, replying "I don't think so. I fell on it pretty bad." 

The blond guy puts his hand on Nico's leg, and I watch as his hands glow for a solid minute. What the fu-

"Will, stop." Nico says, and the blond guy removes his hands. So that's his name- Will. "You look like you're about to pass out. You've already healed it enough that I can probably walk on it, so let's just get going, yeah?" 

Will nods, and now that Nico pointed it out, he does look pretty pale. Nico slowly stands up, wincing when he puts weight on his right leg. 

"Alright, we should leave before anymore monsters show up."  Percy says, and I nod. I remember what those creatures did to me, shuddering at the thought of any more arriving.

The boys grab their backpacks from the floor, and we start walking. Percy and I walk side by side, with Will and Nico trailing behind.

They're having a mumbled conversation as Will helps Nico walk, and I hear parts of it. 

"Ankle... Rachel... My binder... Fine... Rest." I can't figure out what they're talking about, but it seems like an intense conversation. 

Eventually Percy is able to hail a cab, and we all pile in. 

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