Turning the tables

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I tweet him a lot.... and write fan mail. I told myself it wouldn't really matter what I said as it was unlikely he would even read anything I sent him, especially the tweets. He gets literally thousands of messages every day and doesn't have time to read most of them so I was safe to be as honest as I wanted to be, or just plain dirty. Turns out the joke was on me because he WAS reading my comments. Every last one of them.

I guess it was bound to happen that one day, one of my comments or tweets would be seen. I had always hoped it would be one of the less embarrassing ones and definitely NOT one of my dirty jokes at his expense.... maybe one of me waxing lyrical about how sexy he is would be OK. He posted a rare tweet in English about being ready for bed along with a picture of him with messy hair, in a partially open bathrobe on a bed. Naturally my response was "forget your bed I'm ready for you in mine, and you won't be needing the bathrobe ;)" Little did I know mine was the first comment and he read it.

Shortly after I received a friend request on ktalk from a RandaBoy, I accepted as I assumed they were probably a fellow A.R.M.Y and as mine was RandaGirl. Upon my acceptance I was bombarded with a series of dirty song lyrics followed by a picture of a topless guy and a sound file. Against my better judgement I opened the sound file and promptly dropped my phone upon hearing Namjoon's voice.
"You sure you can handle me sexy lady?"

I rushed to pick up my phone and checked the picture I'd just been sent and sure enough it was him. Topless. With the same messy hair and in the same bed from the twitter update. I had forgotten I had previoulsy sent him my ktalk I.D in a letter and told him to add me any time. He admitted it had taken him a while to pluck up the courage to add me and get to know me, but figured he had nothing to lose as I come across as a very honest person in my Facebook updates, and I'm pretty consistant with my tweets to him.

We got to talking and he surprised me by telling me he had been following my tweets since before he made is debut back in 2013 after finding some of my short stories online. Namjoon suggested we video chat as he had to be up early to record some tracks for his mixtape, but really wanted to see me. I had a strong feeling it was a bad idea, but did it anyway. My gut feeling was right, it was a very very bad idea, as he'd stripped down to his boxers and held the phone above himself so I could see just past the top of them . My mouth dropped to the floor and I heard nothing he said for several minutes.

I shook my head and slapped myself in order to focus on what he was saying, and he moved the phone so all I could see was his grinning face. My face was flushed red and I couldn't look him in the eyes - I stared really hard at his lips until, giving in to his teasing, I looked up fractionally to see his beautiful brown eyes. They were shining with happiness at my response to his body, he had been worried that I wouldn't like what I saw as he feels his body isn't as nice as other guys. My response was to kiss my phone directly over where his lips were.

Moving my phone from my lips, I told him that I wished I was there in person to show him just how much I loved what I saw.

Be careful what you tweet - Bangtan Boys FanficWhere stories live. Discover now