chapter 1

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Alexa's POV *


Ughhhh I turned off my alarm and got up. It's 6:30 I have to get ready for school. I quickly got in the shower and blow dried my hair than I straightened it. Oh yeah I forgot to tell u what I look like. I'm 5.3 kinda short. I have ombre hair that goes up to my butt. I have brown eyes.  I got my clothes and changed my outfit was a floral dress a black cardigan and combat boots. I didn't feel like putting on make up so I just went down stairs. Good morning mom good morning dad. My parents had these happy faces. I haven't seen them this happy in a while. The looked at me and said me and your father are going to New York. WHAT HOW AM I GONNA LIVE HERE BY MYSELF. I yelled Well here's $5000 dollars.  We will be laving in a hour. We will be back in 2 months. I just grabbed the money and ran upstairs and hid it in my closet. I ran back down and said our good byes.  I grabbed my penny bored and left. I got to school in five minutes. I looked for kian.  I found him and said do u know that  mom and dad are going to NYC.  Yeah of course. He said Oh Okay I mumble. I run to my locker and stuff everything in. I grabbed my books and went to math class. Once I got there Jc tripped me and I landed on my face. How's the view down there you bitch. JC said.  (If u didn't know who o2l is its a group of boys Who makes YouTube videos.  The members are Kian, Jc, Ricky,Trevor, sam, and Connor. I know Connor left but let's just say he's still in it. Than there's the magcon boys. They are Nash, Cameron, Aaron, Taylor, Carter and some other boys.) I got up and ran to the bathroom. I started crying my eyes out. I ran out and ran home.

Once I was home I ran to the kitchen to see a note. It says dear Alexa we never liked u and never will we are going to NYC and never coming back here's another $5000 dollars. Have fun living by your self.  I hope you die soon.

                                       From mom
                                        And dad

I started crying my eyes out.  I took the money and ran upstairs.  I cried on my bed for hours. I went to the bathroom and started cutting. I cleaned up the mess and went to bed. I'm glad tomorrow was the last day of school.

Skipping to the end of school*

Once I got out I ran straight home so they wouldn't beat me again. But they saw me and grabbed me and started beating me again. I got up slowly grabbed my stuff and limped home again. While I was on my way back a car drove past me and Nash was in the car and screamed GO DIE YOU SLUT. I just kept walkng. Why do they bully me. I never had done anything to them. For this summer I decided that I was gonna stay home. Once i got home Kian was in there. Why are you here I asked him. Cause I came to pick u up. Kian said.  Why????  Cause your gonna live with me so go back ur stuff before I slap u. He said angrily.  I ran up and packed my stuff.  I packed the money in a secret department in my bag. I ran down with my stuff. Why do I have to live with u??? I yelled at Kian.  BECAUSE YOUR MY SISTER AND I HAVE TO.  he yelled.  NO U DON'T.  I yelled back.  He just picked me up and there me into his car with my stuff. Once we got to his house I walked in and all my bullies were there great just great. (Note sarcasm )

Kian showed me my room and I started to unpack. I unpacked all my stuff.  When I was done I went downstairs.  Everyone looked at me with evil eyes. I was scared . Everyone got up and walked towards me. The gathered around me.  Than they started to beat me again.  15 minutes later I felt someone pick me up. Soon I felt water. They thew me into the pool. Once I surfaced up.  I saw everyone laughing.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. There will be many more to come!

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