Episode 8 - Visionary

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Erica tapped her fingers onto the desk; Nothing. She felt nothing.

Boyd's death and Derek's subsequent disappearance had her feeling numbed and groggy. She turned her wrist over, the bones in her wrist feeling clunky as she did, as if she were unfamiliar with her own body. She cringed as she saw the underside of her arm, blotchy and pale.

She felt as if she were dying.

Mrs Rodriguez gave Erica a curt nod to say she could finally leave her detention.

Erica left without another word, shifting silently out of the room without her usual middle finger flicking swagger. The blonde headed towards the swimming pool, she needed to check on Percy. Derek leaving had set her anxiety off, life without her Alpha was one devoid of relaxation, she felt constantly on edge without him.

Erica padded silently across the tiled floor. She hoped he wouldn't see her. Percy had been spending more and more time training, isolating himself from the pack. Erica felt guilty in part, she'd been the one pushing for him to train more with a swim meet coming in the next month, but she hadn't expected him to go this far, it was totally unlike him.

It was one of the few things she disliked about him. He was incredibly lazy.

Well no, Erica thought, he was incredibly lazy if it was something that concerned him, his sense of self improvement was none existent.

I guess if anyone had an excuse not to improve themselves it would be Mr Modern Adonis; Percy Jackson. She thought almost bitterly, immediately scolding herself for it.

She scrunched her eyebrows as she heard the water sloshing and the tiniest of slapping sounds as Percy's arms entered the water. The constant training wasn't like Percy. But then again Percy hadn't been himself since school had started up again.

Erica let out an involuntary growl as she thought back to when Percy's change had started; Annabeth, the new girl entering the classroom, his palpable unease and then him running away when class had finished. He'd been off ever since, sticking to himself, something that Erica knew would be awful for him, Percy was one of the most sociable people she knew.

Something about Annabeth had changed him and Erica hated it.

Erica took a breath as she turned past the stands and saw the pool. Percy was darting through the water at an unbelievable pace.

Erica gulped.

She knew her boyfriend was good. Strike that, everybody in the school knew he was fucking amazing. Erica had seen Percy run rings around the other swimmers at his swim meets, but this was another level. Percy's stroke was impeccable. It wasn't even like he glided through the water, it was like the water was pushing him faster. Erica counted in her head, he finished two lengths of the 50 metre pool in just under 15 seconds.

Erica's heart skipped. That time was insane. Inhuman.

Erica's hands shook. She remembered all the nights she'd sat up in bed, watching him sleep beside her, wondering what his past was and why he was so secretive about it. She realized now. He was something more than human.

Erica shivered.

Something told her that he was something more than supernatural too.

Erica turned around and walked back into the corridors of Beacon Hills High, her fingernails digging into her palms as she clenched her hands into a white-knuckled fist. She tried to reason with herself that he probably had a good reason but simply found herself getting more and more angry.


"So he's just gone?" Stiles asked.

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