Episode 10 - The Overlooked

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The storm outside raged. Raindrops had stopped hitting the windows and were now assaulting them. The hospital had gone into evacuation mode after a branch snapped in the wind and broke through a patient's window, narrowly missing any occupants, but damaging equipment.

I paced around Erica's tiny hospital room as the water pounded onto the glass. The storm was definitely something supernatural, but I couldn't be sure whether it was something Zeus related or something to do with the Pack. Either way, I knew it was very dangerous for Erica.

"Is anyone going to - " I stormed out of the room shouting before finding myself with Scott's Mom, Melissa.

"I'm so sorry Percy, she wasn't marked..." Melissa's voice faded as Erica's heart rate monitor began to race. We leapt over to her help as her eyes flickered open and she began to gag. I held her torso up whilst Melissa held back her hair. Eventually Erica managed to throw up. Putrid, black bile dribbled from her mouth and she fell limp in my arms as Melissa and I gazed morbidly at the dark spew. Speckled amongst the vomit were a few white blips that I assumed must have been chickpeas or something.

Thinking about it made me feel queasy myself.

"Let's get her out of here, yeah?"

I nodded wordlessly at Melissa in agreement.

I set Erica back in her cot as gently as I could manage in my haste. Melissa and I rounded up Erica's few amounts of spare clothes. Fortunately she didn't have many because they had all come from her drawer in my room because her mom had practically cast her aside after the bite.

Another hospital worker ran in with a wheelchair before quickly running off to help elsewhere.

As we began to lift Erica from the bed, my phone went off in my pocket. We laid Erica back down and I flicked it onto speakerphone.

"Hello?" I called, throwing the phone aside as we began to lift Erica again.

"Percy? How is Erica?" Derek demanded urgently.

"Uh, in and out of consciousness, and she's also just thrown up. Why what's up?"

"What's in the vomit? Is there mistletoe in there?"

I glanced down at the puddle. "I mean, I'm no expert in mistletoe so I can't say for sure, but there's some weird white shit in there so I'm assuming that'll be what you're after."

"Mistletoe..." Derek growled down the phone before going silent.

"Derek?" I asked, stepping away from Erica in her wheelchair. "Derek, I'm kinda worried now. Mistletoe is bad for wolves right?" I wandered over to where I'd thrown the phone to see he'd hung up. "Ah... I see communication within the Pack is as stellar as ever!"

"You... Can... Talk..." Erica managed weakly before passing out again.

Melissa stared pointedly at me.

I held my hands up defensively. "It's personal!"

Melissa sighed, "Whatever it was clearly meant something, to you, and not knowing about it clearly means something to her."

"I... I'm telling her when she's better, like conscious for more than five - "


The doors soared off their hinges. I stepped in front of Melissa and Erica as best I could, but fortunately, the doors sailed straight past us, cracking the tile on the floor. Voltron-Wolf stood in the doorway, his chest heaving with testosterone fueled alpha male rage.

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