Episode 11 - The Oath

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"You see the twins?" Isaac called, tentatively pulling in a little ways away from the hospital, rain slashing against the windscreen of the car. I felt exhausted and I desperately wanted to get out of the car and into the cool rain. A low howl from the hospital behind us signalled the Alpha pack's retreat, Peter informed us.

"I'd say we were fine, yeah. Thanks Isaac." I gave a tired, yet appreciative smile.

"It was Allison and her Dad's plan, I just did wha - "

Peter cut Isaac off by clumsily bolting out of the car, probably to sulk around in Derek's loft again. We didn't have time to look for him before Allison knocked on Isaac's window.

"Where are the others?" She asked Isaac. Her tone, although worried, had a strange warmness directed towards Isaac, who's eyes held a familiar spark.

You've got to be kidding me...

"Stiles ran after Scott, and Scott was going back for Derek and Miss Blake. Biggest issue is, I think Miss Blake got Scott's Mom..." I cut in before the two started making out or something.

Allison faltered. "How?"

"I... I don't know for certain but I sorta figured out that guardian could mean parent, like how on forms you parent or guardian signatures?" The Argents and Isaac nodded in response. "And Erica started throwing up magic stuff, and she's at the same hospital that Melissa works at. So... Magic vomit at the hospital, Melissa at the hospital, Magic druid lady that would want to sacrifice someone like Melissa... I figured it might have been a trap... Just a little late..." I struggled to voice my workings out, normally I'm the last person to figure things out.

Allison's dad grabbed me firmly by the shoulder. "Where is Scott?"

"Uh, I don't - "

The roar of Derek's sleek, black car's engine drowned out my confused rambling, and out stepped Derek and Scott. Scott slumped behind Derek, who practically marched towards Erica's unconscious body. I immediately ran to Scott, who looked up mournfully at me.

"Your Mom?" I asked simply. His defeated nod was all I needed to have understood him, but he plucked up the energy to look me in the eyes.

"As soon as I realised, I ran to the rooftop. The door Perce... it was locked, and I couldn't... I couldn't think properly so I couldn't shift. I don't know why it would be locked, Mom had gone out there to turn the power back on, I don - "

"Scott." I stopped him. "We'll get your Mom back, Stiles' dad too. I promise you we will." I half expected thunder to rumble above me as I finished my sentence.

"How?" Scott looked up, broken.

"We can figure it out. We always do. I won't let anything happen to your Mom or Stiles' Dad."

Scott's eyes tightened. "You're only human Percy, but thank you..." He opened his eyes again, resolve burning behind them. "We'll save them." He swallowed and turned to help Erica into the back seat of Derek's car. I stood on my own for a little longer whilst Derek informed everyone of Kali and the lift and Miss Blakes escape.

Only human. I bristled with self hatred. The Hero of Olympus struggling to fight werewolves... I regretted not taking the Werewolf Wrangling workshop Chiron had set up a couple summers ago.

I've fought gods and titans, I can end this. Right?

But every time I have done something like that, it just causes more trouble and if i reveal everything, what comes next? Word gets around that the Son of Poseidon is in Beacon Hills, and these guys have to start dealing with Minotaurs. The werewolf population here might be enough to ward off monsters most of the time, but if they know I'm here...

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