8 Letters | Jimin

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main : Jimin
Genre      : Mystery, fluff, mentions of kidnapping

"Omo, the view here is A-mazing!!!!!"

My best friend, Yeonseo squealed. We are technically on our way to our resort when Yeonseo and I am just got distracted by the sunset near the beach. She was right, the view from here is seriously breathtaking. I quickly get out from the car and took my phone to take a picture of it. I smiled looking at the photos I take. A few seconds later, a received a message from my brother, taehyung.

Tae oppa💫
(Y/N) , Where are you now? Have you arrived at your resort??

Not yet oppa, Yeonseo and I stop by at the beach to look at the sunset for a while, Is anything going on?

Tae oppa💫
No.. I'm just worried about you.. I'm worried if he somehow.. follows you

I understand. you don't have to worry about me oppa, I'll be fine and besides I have Yeonseo with me

Tae oppa💫
I'm glad to hear that. But if any of this happens sideways, tell me quick okay?

Okayyy oppa! Take care💘

Tae oppa💫
you too❤️

I sighed. I know that my brother always worried about me because I'm the only one he has. We lost our parents when we was little so taehyung promised to keep me safe at all costs.

Lately, there is a man who followed me everywhere I go, and being a scared sister of course I told my brother about it and he is furious. One day he manage to caught the man but he skillfully escaped as he made an eye contact with me. And I can't lie, he has beautiful eyes.

I am little traumatized when he stalked me so I was thinking to go on a vacation to forget everything and go back with a fresh start.

"Yeonseo-ah, lets go shall we? my brother is getting worried." I said and she nodded. We hop in our rental jeep and drive straight to the resort.

I took a nice shower and lay flat on bed while debating in my mind if yeonseo and I would get some sushi or some thai for dinner. So since we are in phuket, thai it is. I get up from the comfy comforter and start to get ready for dinner.

I dress up casually but comfy, and sprayed some perfume when suddenly My phone beeped signaling I got a message. I ignored It as I assumed it to be from my brother. Another beep hit my phone and I ignore it again. I grab my sling bag and waited for yeonseo as she uses the toilet. I sat on the bed and open my phone to look at the messages.

Hello! I'm just going to say to you that I love you
(Y/N) ... when will you notice me?
please don't ignore me.. you make me sad😢

My breath hitched getting sweatier by the second. Did this man really followed me? I stood up and looked at the window. There is nobody outside..

"(Y/N) I'm ready let's go!" Yeonseo exclaims while pulling my hand.

We decide to eat at a nearby thai restaurant that offers a buffet. It is just a few kilometers from the hotel so we decide to just walk there. Yeonseo and I choose the table by the beach. I sat while glancing at the view as I need to guard the bags while yeonseo go to grab some food. When I was looking at the man that is hanging on some fairy lights, my phone beeped.

Is it hard to type the 8 letters back (Y/N)?

Hmm.. What letters? My thoughts were distracted when Yeonseo came back with plates of goodness. I ate with so much appetite until I forgot what I was thinking before.

On our way back to the resort, We stopped to listen to some street bands performing by the beach. I took my phone out and recorded the show. Yeonseo is and I really enjoyed the performance as we both clapped our hands and danced to the beat.

As we were dancing, A couple approached us. They seem hesitant but they walk to us anyway. The woman gently patted my shoulder making me and Yeonseo looked at them.

"Err.. I'm sorry miss, But my boyfriend and I think that..
you have been followed.."

The woman said carefully while glancing at her boyfriend. The man nodded and said, "I'm sorry if we're mistaken but we also stayed in the same resort as yours and went to the same thai restaurant and we notice that man over there is catching up with you." He looked in a direction and I noticed a man in the hoodie not far from us. I looked at Yeonseo terrified and she quickly thanked the couple and pulled my hand.

"We need to get to the resort as soon as possible (Y/N)- ahh" She said. I nodded weakly and we shamelessly ran towards the resort. When we arrived at the security post mostly out of breath, I quickly met the security in duty.

"Mister, there is a man following us and I need your help to block any unusual men from entering the resort, please?" I begged and nearly cried. He nodded in understanding and called another security.

"Our best security, Min will accompany you girls to your rooms in case." The guard reassured. I sighed gladly and nodded. As we were reaching our rooms, I glanced at the security and his beautiful eyes caught my attention. His eyes seem familiar but it doesn't ring any bells.

When we arrived at our suite, Yeonseo thanked the security and tiredly collapsed on bed. He bowed and when he was going away, I grabbed his hand.

"Sorry, mister.. But haven't we met before?" I ask. He didn't look back. I sigh and let go of his hand and walk away. When I was going in the room, I could feel someone clutching some kind of handkerchief on my mouth making me dizzy and blacked out.

Dammm who is that man and why did he kidnapped (Y/N)??
Heyyyy lovesss this is a jimin imagine part 1. Hope you like it^_^


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