Protector | Jungkook

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member : Jungkook
genre : Fantasy
warning : Mentions of blood, vampires

I was preparing myself for some late night party with my friend sohyeon who is actually the 'trendsetter' of my school so taking advice from her is totally a win win situation for me.

For my surprise, she has brought me a complete outfit that I can borrow just for the party. She hands me a beautiful black dress pairing it with a pair of sparkling black heels.

 She hands me a beautiful black dress pairing it with a pair of sparkling black heels

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"Omo so hyeon-ah... it is so PRETTY!!" I squealed as she scratched her nose proudly. "Of course, it's Nam Sohyeon, the school's fashion icon..quick, change into it I can't wait to see you in this dress!" She threw the dress on my shoulder and pushed me into my walk-in wardrobe.

I change into the dress and look at myself in the mirror. I looked gorgeous . "Omg, I'm seriously a pro at this." Sohyeon sighs dramatically. I let my hair down and spray some heavenly perfume, I'm set to go.

"Lets go (Y/N)ie ah we nee-" Sohyeon pauses when she sees my pendant. "No no, that pendant of yours doesn't go with your look, take it off." She said. I hold the gem of my pendant and shake my head, "It's okay.. I'm not taking it off." I glared at her holding the gem protectively. I suddenly remembered the first time I got the pendant.

<15 years ago>

"Nine.... Ten! ready or not, here I come!" I opened my eyes and started searching for my friends. We are currently at my grandma's private forest, which we all call 'hide and seek forest' as it is always a place for us to place hide and seek. It offers a lot of big trees and bushes to hide from.

When it was my turn to find, I had a little trick on my sleeves on winning the game. I would wear a pair of socks to prevent the noise of branches I stepped on when moving around. It helps me to sneak up to my friends and surprise them, ending up winning the game.

I sneaked around until suddenly I saw someone's back. I smirked and creeped out to him. "Gotcha!" I slapped his shoulders, making him turn to me. I was a bit shocked, as it was a person I've never seen before.

"Oh, are you new? You must be one of Haekwan's friends."I guessed as Haekwan always brings new friends to play.I grabbed his wrist, leading him out of the forest. He just follows me obediently without question.

"Okay, since I've found you, you must stay here while I find for the others, okay?" He stared at me with those cold eyes, somehow spreading the mysterious aura around him. He slowly nodded, as I smiled and ran back into the forest.

I managed to find all of my friends as we all gathered in my grandma's backyard.

"Huh, you win again huh (Y/N)?" Haekwan groaned and kicked the dirt with his foot making all of us laugh at his childish acts. "We should play again! I swear I've found the best hiding spot ever!" Haekwan jumps excitedly.

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