Stuck With U | Taehyung

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A/N: Hello guys I'm just hoping the pandemic situation in your country gets better! cause mine, not so much! 😭😭

Member: Taehyung
genre: ???

"Where are u going little girl?" My dad suddenly asked out of the blue, as I was carefully tiptoed to the main door. I curse myself as he switches on the lights, making you caught red handed.

"Errr.. wanna hang out with some friends?" I said slowly.

"(Y/N) Are you serious?? Do you know how the situation is right now? Go to your room now!" My dad said loudly yet strenly. I looked at him in disappointment and grumpily marched to my room.

I throw my sling bag somewhere, jumping on bed. I was furious as I was supposed to meet my friends, well not just any friend. Jimin will be there. Yes, him. He was one of your best buds and the person who you have a huge crush on.

I know the virus was spreading fast, and it's dangerous to everyone.. but I swear I'll be careful! seems like dad's the one who doesn't understand and still treats me like his little baby.

I picked up my phone and texted the group chat, informing them that I can't join them. They all replied understandingly, knowing how my dad was. I sigh and change into my pjs.

. . .

<Next Day>

Well.. we don't have school but I still have dozens of google classroom assignments piled up. Just thinking of it makes me want to die. (Hey can anybody relate?) So I went up to the attic, bringing my radio with me.

I always have passion for dancing, but my family would never support it. Well, at least I think they wouldn't. It's just not too convincing and not that secure for my future. But it doesn't stop me from doing it. It just makes me happy.

I dance all sorts of genres, but contemporary was my favourite. I turn on the music and start to warm up. Yup, I'm that kind of person who makes quarantine productive. Not long after, I start to dance to the music. Some people in my school said I'm a pro dancer and probably the best in school. I quite agree but still, most of them think that the opposite.

Most of them think that 'jerk' is the best dancer. Well, he's not bad but people just adore him for his looks.. not for his passion. My brother always reminds me that passion is important and that is why he is now a successful dancer out there..(woohoo guess this cameo) That is another reason for my family not accepting my love towards dancing, as my brother is already one and they want their only remaining child to have a good job.

I hate him. Like seriously hate the jerk. He thinks that he can do anything with only looks? bruh you're messing with the wrong person.

My anger boils up more when a sudden wave of music echoed through my attic, and clearly it was coming from next door. It's the jerk. positively.


I shouted from my attic window. our attics are quite close to each other so I can hear his music clearly. He loves balad and slow songs which is the opposite of mine.

He purposely increased the volume. I grin furiously as my chuckles turn white. We lived like at the end of the road so the only one that could hear his annoying music taste was bloody me.

He successfully ruined my mood for dancing as I stump angrily down my attic. I went to my room to watch some kdramas instead. ( I'm currently watching memories of the alhambra hahaha u guys should watch it👍🏻♥️)

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