Thanatophobia | Jimin

470 9 3

member: Jimin
genre: heartbreaking + heartwarming 🥰

"Aha! Today I should get some cherry cheesecake from my favourite cake shop!"

I squealed, closing the notebook,getting out of the classroom. The bell rang a few minutes ago, so the front gate is quite packed with students eagerly going back home. We all actually need to punch ourselves into the crowd to get to the gate, but for me, it's somehow different.


someone shouted, guessing it could be our student president who was lining up properly towards the gate. Once he shouted, automatically all the students who were like in a zombie apocalypse moved and cleared a path for me, straight to the gate.

I let out a bright smile , thanking everyone while walking on the imaginary 'red carpet' everyone had given me. I turned towards the president mouthing a 'thank you' as he nodded and smiled, showing his deep dimples ( woah woah guess that cameo 😎 )

As I was almost near the gate, the crowd behind me began to mix again, forming the apocalypse once again. This is really not new to me. I just had to live with it.. until just that one day.

'We should clear the path for her everyday! we never knew if she's gonna die today.' That statement is somehow the starting of all of this.

Yes, I suffered from my disease and yes, I am gonna die soon.. but I don't understand why I'm the only one to be treated differently? All of us will die one day. When my parents and the whole school knew about this, they started to be nice to me and give me all the things I ever wanted. It's not that bad, it's just.. I wanted to be treated normally, like everyone else.

The bells hanging from the bakery's door rings lightly as I enter. I smiled looking at the 'cake of the day' poster. They rarely sell cherry cheesecakes. It's like only once a year which I wonder why but the cherry cheesecake is the best among all the cheesecakes they offer.

I ran towards the counter and scanned the little cake fridge, eyeing the cheesecake. There was only one slice left so I felt relieved.

"May I take your order kid?" A man who was like in his 50's greeted me politely. He was the owner of the bakery.

"One slice of cherry cheesecake please!"  I said excitedly.

"Oh I'm so sorry kid but we just sold the last slice " He said apologetically.

"really?? But just now I saw the last slice is in the refrigerator?" I asked.

Suddenly a man walked towards us, cutting the line standing beside me.

"Yah jimin! What took you so long from school! Aiyah, it's okay we can still celebrate! wait for me upstairs okay?" The old man chirped towards the man who was wearing my school's uniform.

"Actually, the last piece of the cake is for him! it's his birthday today" He said excitedly bringing the cake slice towards him. I instantly smiled watching the old man grins happily towards the man in the school uniform.

I turned to him and he had a cold yet emotionless expression painted on his face. He doesn't look amused at all. He looked at me and I could feel his cold eyes staring towards mine.

He turned back and just grabbed the cake.

"No celebration. I'll be in my room." He said simply and walked to the back of the bakery. The old man looked sad as he sighs heavily.

Although situation in front of me is really heartbreaking but there is one thing that keeps me wandering..

. . .

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