Hiden part two

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Warning : fluffy fluffy fluffffff, mentions of  fighting , enjoyyy!!

final part♥️

Days passed and surprisingly I managed to live in a small hut in the jungle, as a princess and I do say to myself. Taehyung was out hunting lunch and I helped him to pick up some sticks for the fire. I couldn't help but have some feelings when I'm with taehyung as I feel safe whenever I'm with him.

I can't imagine his reaction when he finally knows who I really am, maybe he'll freak out and return me to the palace.The sound of Taehyung's horse signals his arrival as I quickly gather the sticks and piled it all up.

"Hey, want to follow me to the marketplace?" He asks as I cheekily said, "Whyyy? you want to spend more time with me huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows as he cleared his throat. "Can you stop talking nonsense? I just want to bring you there so you can buy anything you need." he coldly says as always. I manage to gain the habit of teasing him sometimes that will make him tense and it is always fun to watch.

"But I don't have any gold.." I've a point though, what am I going to buy if I dont have money anyway? "Then we can just walk around a while and go home. Come on no more questions." he said sternly and walk out of the hut. I giggled and mumbled,


The environment of the marketplace is very busy with merchants and traders from all over the kingdom. There are many things to trade such as cloth, spices and much more. I cover half of my face with a scarf I found on the way to the market.

"Wow I have never been to the market before..." I muttered. Taehyung glanced at me in disbelief and noticed that I was hiding my face. "Why are you covering your face?" He asks and pulls the scarf away.

"Hey! don't do that.. I.. ran away from my house so.. I'm afraid they will find me." I nervously said. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, I gulped. "I don't want people to think I kidnapped you though." He shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk.

He suddenly grabbed my hand and wrapped his hands tightly around mine, as I looked at him and smiled. "What? I just want to make sure you don't get lost." He looked away and I could see a tint of blush creeping from his face.

"Yeah, yeah." I cooed. Suddenly a group of men riding horses stopped at the middle of the marketplace holding royal flags. I recognise them, they are the royal guards. I quickly adjust the scarf.

"Attention all, We have an important announcement from the king. Unfortunately, the princess had been missing for days long. If anybody has encountered the princess, please inform us immediately. The king will give the highest honor and reward to anyone who finds the princess."

I gulped. I looked at taehyung. "Wow, how come a princess would be missing?" He made a confused face and shook his head. "Have you met her before?" I ask shakily. He shook his head again. "I don't have the slightest idea how she looked like. Why would she run away though.. she has everything, a big palace, custom jewels, guards and maids ready to serve her anytime."

He sounds so astonished. "We should get back. It's getting dark." I said. He nodded and placed me on his horse as we set off. Soon after, we suddenly stopped.

"Why are we stopping?"

"I just remembered that I need to pay the other half at Mrs. Fay, Can you do that for me?" Did I just hear him aegyo? I make an annoyed face as he hands me the gold, I jump off the horse and get in the tent.

"Yes darling, " Mrs fay turned to me as soon as she saw me enter. "Erm kim taehyung ask me to give you this." I gave her the gold. "ohh okay dear, tell him to pay earlier next time okay?"

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