8 Letters part two

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Warnings : Mentions of kidnapping, mentions of schizophrenia.

"Where am I?"

I whispered while looking at my surroundings. I notice that I'm in a room and laying on the bed. I tried to stand up but failed as my legs are tied tightly so does my hands. There is a cloth clogged in my mouth making my screams turn into muffles.

All of a sudden, the door opened revealing the man with the hoodie with a tray of delicious-looking food.

"ouh, you've woken up. I was just about to wake you up." He has a very nice voice.
He drops his hood and soft hair beginning to peek out. Positively, Mr. pretty eyes.

"Hey, my name is Jimin." He smiled cutely. I looked at him in fear as he was really cold and mysterious a moment ago.

"Hey, don't be scared. You're with the person who loves you. What are you worrying about?" He smiled again. I tried to talk but the cloth is preventing me.

"Ouh, here." He takes out the cloth as I take a deep breath.

"Who are you? You're the person who's been stalking me am I right? What do you want from me?" I said weakly. His smile suddenly turns into a serious pout as he stands up and grabs a chair and sits in front of me.

"(Y/N), I've been stalking you and texting you but why can't you notice me? I love you so much and how could you do this to me?" He suddenly let out a sad expression. I am so freaked out of his sudden change of behaviour. He grabs my phone and unlocked it, surprising me on how he knows my password.

"How can you just ignore my texts (Y/N)? If you're too busy you can just type the 8 letters. Is that too much to ask?" He Frowned. I looked down and thought of the eight letters. Is this some kind of pop quiz?

"I see mister-" "Call me Jimin." He cut me off. "Listen, Jimin. I understand your feelings to me and the texts but if you ask me nicely, maybe we can work it out?" I lied. Well, that is the only thing that I can think of.

He suddenly laughs and comes closer to me. "Work it out? Too late baby, we're already together." He holds my chin as I look into his sparkly eyes. Aigoo, if this man isn't psychotic and all, I could've dated him. He then gets up and grabs the tray of food to feed me.

"Wait, you didn't put poison in it right?" I shivered. He looked at me in confusion.

"Why do I need to poison the girl I love?"

That night, I was left alone as Jimin said he had some work to do. I looked out the window and stared at the full moon. I suddenly remember my brother and Yeonseo who would probably worry about me. I silently cried to sleep.

"Morning Sweetheart!! Did you sleep well? I'm sorry I couldn't accompany you last night." He says cheerfully. Hmm maybe he isn't so bad after all. "It's okay." I said slowly. He puts a tray of soufflé pancakes on the nightstand and pat my head gently. "I'm going to work and will probably end late. My assistant will send your lunch and your dinner so don't you worry okay?" He said sweetly. He suddenly pecked my forehead. "Don't run away, okay?" I nodded slowly and he smiled going out the door.

I ate the pancakes and It tastes really good. After eating, I slept again as I got nothing to do.

"(Y/N)-ah, Where are you?? Your oppa missed you so much.. You're the only one I have.."

My sleep was distracted as I heard a car's engine outside the estate. I woke up in tears as I dreamt about my brother. He must be worried sick now. I tried to untie myself and wobble my legs out of the ropes but nothing worked as it was tied really tight.

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