Love Spell | Jimin

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member: Jimin
genre: fluffy, bit of angst, jimin is just whipped for u lol

"green tea with grass jelly please!"

"Okay! name sir?"

"Hoseok, but just write j-hope on it okay?" the man said, smiling widely.
(oh yes we have a cameo here😆 hoho)

"Okay noted!" I said writing on the plastic cup. I glanced at the man or hoseok, and oh his smile can lit the whole food truck place (Idk what it is called but yeah its the place where all the food truck parked together and we can eat there)

I gave the cup to my brother, who was preparing the drinks at the back side of our truck.

"Here, well I can add the 'special ingredient' if you want to, he seems to be a good guy." My brother, yoongi asks. ( yesh double cameo😍)

"Oppa! you can't just use that on some random guy..he has a life." I scoffed, snatching the drink and give it to hoseok. He thank me, smilling ever so brightly.

"The only one who doesn't have a life here is yours." He said bitterly, pointing straight at me.

"What are you talking about?" I said, feeling a bit offended.

"Get yourself a boyfriend geez.. its friday night anyway, you should find a date." Yoongi said while stiring the fresh made tapioca pearls.

"I'm working on it." I stated furiously, sitting on one to the stools.

"Heh, your choice. You can wait forever and die alone or..... you can use mother's special ingredient" He put the small glass bottle with a glowing red liquor beside me.

Our family owns a tea shop. But not just any tea shop. We also have some 'special ingredients' which is passed down from generation to generation. We call it special potions as it provide a certain power. There are all five of them, which is wealthy potion, fame potion, heatlh potion, beauty potion and love potion.

Although we own all of those potions, eomma always remind us not to use it greedily. That is why the potion is in the safe hands of our family.

I stare at the glass bottle. who should I give this too? Park hyungsik? Park seojun? I don't even have a crush!

"Hello there, I want to order." A voice startled my thoughts.

"Oh yes yes. What do you like to- OHHHH"  I shouted, alarmed that I accidentally push the glass bottle

AND IT LANDED ON THE SHORT MAN'S HEAD!!! did I mention he was short? He barely reached the foot truck counter.

"OH MY... are you okay???" I dashed out of the truck and run to the short man who was knocked out in front of my freaking truck!

"Ouch..." He hissed in pain while rubbing his head.

My eyes suddenly focused on the broken glass bottle,   it's glass scattering on the road, with a hint of red liquid.

wait, red liquid???

and that moment I realized..


and it hits the short man's head.

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