Crazy Rich Girlfriend pt.3

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Final part❤️🥰

"He dyed his hair red?" I shouted mentally, couldn't take my eyes off him.

His new hair colour somehow makes him look more hot, giving a different aura. I just shrugged it off as I paid attention to the meeting, inside of me hoping it will be over quickly.

The meeting finally ended and the clients began to walk out of the room. I glanced at Chamin as he began to stand up and walk out. I was a bit taken back as he doesn't even say hello to me, after what happened yesterday.

Maybe he was just being professional, or... maybe he was uncomfortable when I asked for his phone number yesterday? I suddenly gained courage to follow him.

"Chamin-ah!" I said as I stood in front of him.

"Huh... err yes?" He was a bit shocked when I said his name, also earning some glances from his coworkers.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked, worried.

"hmm nothing's wrong why are you asking?" He said, glancing at his watch a few times.

"That's good to hear.. so how about lunch? I kinda felt bad for yesterday so it's on me!" I said happily.

He thinks for a while, as he confirms from his secretary. I was a bit nervous and it felt somehow awkward. Is he really that busy?

"Umm sure. I think I have some hours to spare." He said casually.

I let out a high pitch 'yay' as I grab his hand.

"Wait. Where are we going?"

"To eat duh?"

He harshly let go of my hand as he signed his bodyguards to follow him.

"I go nowhere without my bodyguards. I thought you're the same." He said seriously, putting his shades on. WHAT IN THE WORLD?


We sat down and ordered our food. I was still confused by his statement just now. He does have lots of personalities huh. Maybe he was just off today. I glanced at the boy in front of me as he was texting someone with a serious expression on. I sigh as his attention is fully on his phone, so sadly we're not making any conversations.

The lunch is finally over and god it was awkward as ever. Though I have a lot to talk about, he's acting like he was so busy, despite his freaking phone.

He suddenly giggles, looking at me after. He took a good stare at me and continued typing on his phone. Gosh this guy is insane. We walked a bit to the limo and as I was about to say thanks, an old man riding a bicycle suddenly went straight at us at a crazy speed. He looks like he couldn't control the bike.

I am about to warn Chamin but it was too late. He was facing backwards from the man so he couldn't see him coming towards us. The old man crashed into us, spilling the milk he bought on the bike.

Chamin shouted as his perfectly tailored suit got covered in milk. I, on the other hand, are perfectly fine as I had time to avoid the mess.

"Heyy what you think you're doing!? My suit!!!" Chamin shouted at the old man, making me shocked.

"I'm very very very sorry young man, I've lost control of my bicycle...I'm promise I'll wash-"

"WASH? That is the only thing you could do huh old man? U think by only washing it could solve this problem? LOOK you literally ruin it!" He shouted with no mercy, leaving the old man on his knees, feeling guilty.

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