Gumiho pt.2

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[3rd Person POV]

"Woah Look at that! They're so pretty!" Y/N squealed as she ran to the hanbok shop. She enters the shop and returns a few minutes later, wearing a very beautiful hanbok.

"So.. How do I look?" Y/n lets a pose as Jimin eyes widened.

"You look very beautiful, very." He said ever so seriously, earning a giggle from Y/n.

"You don't have to be too serious though.." She smacks his shoulder.

"So, are there any activities that we can do here?" Y/n opens her arms looking
around the korean traditional village. Her eyes wander and stop as she saw a poster hanging from a tree.

"Hmm?? Fortune teller? That could be fun! Come on Jimin! follow me!" She said and pulled Jimin with her.

[Y/N's POV]

"Here!" I said, pointing at the hanok ( A Korean traditional house ) Jimin gazes at the hanok and somehow an uncomfortable feeling hits him but he shrugged it off as Y/n doesn't ever let go of his hand.

"Finally.. Customers. Welcome!" A man as if in their late 60's spoke.

"Hello!" I bowed deeply and dragged Jimin to sit beside me.

"You don't need to bow that low.. it's pissing me." He whispered.

"I must though! He looks very old." I defended myself.

"He is actually a baby compared to my age." Jimin said, eyeing the man in front of us.

They stared at each other and I can feel a tight tension between the two of them. Things started getting awkward so I cleared my throat.


"Yeah! What can I do for you? I can tell your future, tell your past life, when will you die-"

"Aha! tell me that." I said, handing a dollar. Jimin looks at me and he looks really serious, shaking his head signaling a no.

"Aww.. Come on jimin it's just for fun." I hold his hand again, comforting him. I didn't believe in fortune tellers so it's not a big deal for me. The old man look and me again and at Jimin, as he rolled his eyes at him.

"You mister?"

Jimin just stared at him and somehow the old man gets his answer.

"So.. Nam Y/N.. I'm really sorry to inform you but your life is shorter than I expected.. you have grown into a beautiful young lady but.. there's nothing that can do.."

"YAH JERK CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SAYING NONSENSE?!" Jimin lost his patience as he lunged at him, grabbing the old man's collar.

I instantly stood up, feeling scared of this side of him. I can feel the glasses from the windows break and somehow they are floating as the sharp edges of every piece is pointed to the old man.

"Don't you dare." Jimin's eyes were glowing red, as the glass floated closer and closer to the old man. The man whispered something that I can barely hear but I decided to not intervene in the situation.

"Jimin. stop..." Tears unconsciously roll from eyes, terrified. Jimin instantly stopped as he heard my voice.

He dropped the old man as the floating glass fell, producing a scattering sound. We rushed out of the house.



He continues to ignore me as he walks faster.

I don't seem to have a choice but run to him and hug him from behind. He eventually stops. I hug him tightly, and I can feel silent sobs from him. He's crying?

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