8 letters part three

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warnings : Jimin is being a cutipie, heart melting content

Final Part♥️

"(Y/N), watcha doin?" jimin cheekily slide in my room making me hide the pills behind me.

"Umm, nothing?" I said. "umm Jimin, are you okay these days?" He gave me a questioning face. "What do you mean?" he asks.

"Just forget it." I turned when he suddenly grabbed my wrist. He looked through my eyes deeply. His expression somehow changed. He takes my other arm forcefully revealing the pills that I've been hiding.

"You knew." He exhaled heavily and stormed out of the room. I feel my heartbeat increasing and I feel a little scared. He came back with ropes and harshly pushed me on bed.

"You will not leave me. you will not leave me, not leave me." He kept chanting the sentence and tied my legs and hands. He twisted the roped forcefully around my arm making me shout in pain.

"Jimin-" I said softly, making him stop instantly.

"I'll never leave you. I'll always be by your side," I reassured. He hung his head low.

"I'm sick (Y/N).. I'm not normal. who wants to be with a psychotic person like me?" I can feel him crying quietly. I cupped his cheeks and made him look at me.

"I want you, park jimin."

He slowly smiled and giggled. I was starting to spook out but I controlled it. He was crying a second ago.. and why is he giggling so sudden?

Days turn weeks and I could say I successfully help Jimin to recover by making sure he takes his medicine and keeps him happy. I suddenly thought of my brother. When should I go home?

I can't lie to myself but I kinda caught some feelings for Jimin. I know Jimin doesn't actually love me, it is just his sickness and lack of love. He is an amazing man. He will find who he truly loves in no time when he fully recovered. The thought of jimin not loving me anymore somehow makes me sad.

"Jimin!!! I've cooked kimchi Jjigae for you!" I shouted when serving the hot stew. I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms circling my waist.

"J-jimin?" I blurted blushing brightly red. He rested his head on the crook of my neck inhaling my scent.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" he said softly. I nodded and let him hug my smaller frame. He was quite quiet today and I'm a little worried. We enjoyed our stew quietly, as I caught Jimin staring at me a couple of times. I just shrugged it off and finished the stew. After dinner I dump our dirty plates into the dishwasher and when I was about to turn on the tv, Jimin cleared his voice.

"(Y/N), c-can I talk to you?" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Yes, jimin you can always talk to me." I smiled cheerfully.

"Would you like to go home?" His voice cracked and I could feel my heart stopped. He looked directly at me as a tear rolled down his cheeks.

"Jimin, I-"

"I'll send you home tomorrow. you need to pack so I'll leave you alone." He said firmly this time and controlled his tears. He turned back and was going to walk away when I grabbed his hand.

"Jimin.. why-" I said softly. He harshly let go of my hand and turned to me, holding my shoulders.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. I shouldn't have kidnapped you in the first place. I'm so stupid and crazy-" he inhaled heavily and walk closer. His face is full of tears and his nose is red.

"I shouldn't force you to love me cause love can't be forced. I'll let you go okay? I'm sorry for kidnapping you" He said in a low voice. I instantly hugged him and mumbled a thank you.

"I'll leave you alone to pack. See you tomorrow." He sniffled and turned away. This is my last chance. I clutched his arm and stopped him.

"Can you sleep with me?"

I asked carefully. He blushed cutely and nodded. I smiled and pulled him to my room.

When I finished packing, I climbed on bed with Jimin already asleep. I crawl next to him and admire his face. Oh gosh I'm gonna miss him so much. I gently put my head on his extended arm and snuggled closely to him. My warmth suddenly woke him, making him hug me closer.

<next day>

I wake up early and get dressed as Jimin loads my belongings into the car.

"Are you ready?" He asks and I nodded happily, excited to meet my brother. He somehow shows a sad face but instantly disappears when he sees me feeling all happy. The journey to my house is somehow really short and makes it hard for me to leave Jimin.

"Okay... we're here.." He said slowly. I looked at him sadly but he plastered a poker face and got out of the car. He takes out my bags and without a goodbye, he drives away. I began to sob when I saw a stick-it-on note on one of my bags. The noise from outside somehow attracts my brother's attention.

"(Y/N)??!!! Omo, I thought I would never see you again.." I hugged my brother. "I miss you too but wait oppa, I really need to read this." I said and he nodded vigorously.

Saying goodbye would only hurt more,
Till we meet again,
I love you


I wailed and hugged my brother again. "Who sent you here? who gave you this?" he asks worriedly as he comforts me. "I love him oppa...." I sobbed.

< 1 Month later >

I tried to find Jimin but he is always not home. I don't have his number nor his social media. I was at my office's rooftop garden thinking of other strategies to find jimin. My eyes suddenly focused on a silhouette on the top of the building beside me. He seems so familiar with that hoodie... ITS JIMIN!

It seems like he's about to take his own life. I run off the building and quickly race to the other building while catching glances from everyone. I press the elevator to the highest level and take the stairs to the rooftop.

I searched the place and immediately stopped when I saw him on the end of the cliff. I ran to him and back hugged him tight.

"There's no reason to take your own life park jimin." I said sternly as he smiled and laughed softly.

"There is (Y/F/N)." I pulled him off the cliff and grabbed his shoulder, pressing my lips against him.

"I love you. these are the 8 letters that you want to hear right? please don't die park jimin." His eyes widened and kiss me back passionately, as a tear rolled down his cheeks.

"I will not (Y/N)" He hug me and cries in happiness.
"Thank you for saying the 8 letters back (Y/N)."

___________________________________________________Final part updated! thanks for reading!!

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Final part updated! thanks for reading!!

please vote if you like it thank youuuu❤️

anyway he's my bias jejdjkemcejcmskxk 🤣🤩❤️🤫


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