Love Spell pt.2

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~Final part❤️ oh yeaaah

"Come on.. don't tell me you're waiting for him already.." Yoongi snapped as I sigh, adjusting my sitting position.

"No.. its not like that.. Oppa, the love potion suppose to make him love me right?"

"Yup, it sure does. Why asking?"

"Aish.. it seems that nothing had changed.. I guess nobody ever likes me.."

"told ya."


My attention is now focused on a particular short man running towards our truck. I felt kinda embarrassed as he shouted my name quite loudly gaining other customers attention.

"Here he comes.. goodluck sis" yoongi chirped, getting of the truck.

I facepalmed myself, hiding behind some pearl jars.

"Y/NNNnnNnN I'm so so sorryy.. I *sniff* I couldn't *sniff* see you earlier.. I have a lot of work at my office.. so as soon as I settled all my work I run straight here to see you.." He said completely out of breath, almost crying.

"I see.. errr you don't have to feel guilty about it.." I say awkwardly.. not sure what to react. I am not really used to this situation but I'm trying my best.

"Wanna go somewhere? I'll take you anywhere!!" He said excitedly, wiping his tears. Man, he's so dramatic.

"Ermm.. well I need to stay here to sell milk teas.." I try to refuse as polite as possible. You can do this Y/N.

"But I ran myself here.." he pouted as he hold my hands, shaking it.

"Yahh get off me.. I don't ask you to come here at the first place.." I said, pushing him away.

"Come.. I bought you something.." He grins, clasping my hand tighter, as he brought me to his maserati.

"Close your eyes..." He said, while grabbing something through the car's window. I cover my eyes with my hands.

"Okay you can open it now!" He grins.

"What it is?" I ask, curious.

"Here!!" He makes a finger heart and giggled, showing it into my eyes. I looked at him in disbelief. yah.. is this man serious?

"Aww don't make that face.. I'm joking.. look at your neck." He shot his eyes on my neck, and grins ever so hardly.

I look down and saw a rope-kind necklace, with a cute bubble tea charm dangling in the middle. It was so delicate and aesthetic, just the way I like it.

"Woah Its so cute!" I said, holding the little bubble tea charm. I noticed there are eyes and a mouth on the charm, making it more cute.

"I know right! I bought myself one too!" He shows the charm on his necklace, which is a mochi, also with eyes and mouth. I find it really resembles him.

. . .

The next day, I wake up kinda early because I just can't sleep last night and ending up watching some kdramas ( I do this everytime lol) So I thought of going to the supermarket to buy some milk as we are all out of it. Like, how are you gonna make milk tea if you don't have any milk right?

I also bought myself some steam mandu (dumplings) for breakfast. When I almost arrived at the stall, my eyes widened in shock. What in the world?

"Morningg y/n!!!!" There stood jimin, with our official bubble tea apron, toasting some beans on the food truck.

now what...

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