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The man who I recognized as one of the DJs at the club was still holding on to my wrist, despite me trying to wiggle out of his grip. I was really confused, as to why was a DJ dragging me to the back, but since he's almost always in charge of the music, I figured he must be someone important to the club's management, so I reluctantly followed him without asking questions.

He took me through a dim-lit hallway into a big office. There was a big desk at the back of the office, with two black sofas facing one another in front of the desk. The sight I saw next scared me to the point I tried swallowing my saliva and failed.

3 men were sitting on one of the sofas, all of them crossing their arms and looking at me, waiting for me to enter.

"Take a seat," The DJ told me as he pointed to the empty sofa. I cleared my throat and hesitantly took a seat.

"Thank you Jungkook, you can go back outside," The man in the middle said and the DJ, Jungkook left.

I looked at the man in the middle, his skin was pale, and his long, messy hair was black, which gave him a ghostly look under the white florescent lights, but he was handsome in an odd way. His arms were fully tattooed, and I could see the tattoos fading into his white t-shirt sleeves.

The two men sitting on either side of him looked less ghostly, the one on his right had long brown hair, and an expression so serious it made me want to run out of this room and leave Seoul immediately. As for the one to his left, his hair was blond with streaks of brown in it, and his eyes looked at me as if he already knew everything about me.

It was only seconds after Jungkook left, but it felt like hours. I checked the time, it was already 1 am. I began to speak but I was quickly cut off by the man in the middle.

"Why do you think you're here?" he asked me.

"I- what?" I hesitated. "Look, I don't know what do you guys want from me, but it's already late and I need to get going"

The man in the middle raised an eyebrow at me and stayed silent for a moment longer before he spoke again. "first of all, what is your name?"

I really didn't want to give him any information about me, but I figured I could lie, or play along just to get out of here.

"Kim Jo-" I was shortly cut off by the brown-haired man.

Seriously? Why do they keep interrupting me?

"Don't try to lie to us." He said.

"Fine," I sighed. "It's Seo Hyun-Jae. Happy?"

The blond man smiled at me, and it made me relax a little.

"I'll ask you once again," The man in the middle said. "why do you think we called you in here?"

"You didn't exactly 'call' me in here," I said. Getting sassy with them probably won't help at all, but I was getting frustrated. "and, I have no idea. I was about to leave when your DJ Jongoo or whatever his name was literally dragged me in here"

"Jungkook," The man corrected. "before he brought you to us, he informed me that he saw you selling drugs in my club. Is that correct?"


"Oh.." I began, but I couldn't say anything. What was I supposed to say? That I'm a broke, jobless college graduate who sells drugs to pay her rent? That I'm literally forced to sell these by a gang boss? Should I just deny it? I was lost.

"About that," I tried again. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it would come to the club owner's attention... I'll just get going"

"There's more to your story," The brown-haired man said, his face lacking expressions.

"I think so too," The blond agreed. "should we call the rest?"

There's more? I must have made a weird face while thinking because the blond man chuckled as he looked at me.

"Yes Namjoon, we should call the rest" Finally answered the man in the middle.

Shortly after, 4 men, including the DJ Jungkook, entered the room. Now they seriously looked like a gang, and the man in the middle looked like their leader. I was starting to freak out, my legs shaking slightly as I tried my hardest to not show it.

"So," The man in the middle said. "Seo Hyun-Jae, care to explain why the hell were you selling drugs at my club?"

Why should I tell them anything? Who the hell are they to lock me in a room and question me like a prisoner?

"I needed the money, why else would I sell anything, really?" I lied. "look, I don't like the fact that I'm locked in here, being interrogated by complete strangers. And the fact that you called more people in is just ridiculous."

Nobody spoke, but the weird man in the middle gave me half a smile, that I knew wasn't out of amusement, It was more of a challenging smile as if to say 'I dare you to do something about it'

I rolled my eyes, then took a look at the rest of the men who entered the room. They were all good looking. It seemed as if it actually is a requirement to be good looking in order to work here or otherwise it's just weird. They all looked serious, focused on me, except for one of them, who looked uneasy.

I took a closer look at him, he was beautiful, of course. He had a big tattoo that stretched down his neck into his chest and disappeared under his t-shirt. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Why is he nervous? Is something bad going to happen to me?

"Yoongi Hyung," He said, and the man who seemed to be their leader turned to him.

After a moment of silence, an unspoken agreement settled between them and Yoongi nodded. "Don't worry, Taehyung"

I started to worry even more after hearing that. I cleared my throat and brought everyone's attention back to me as if to remind them that I'm still here.

"Right" Yoongi started. "This isn't the first time you've sold in my club."

I stayed silent, waiting for him to tell me why is he so bothered by this.

"Jungkook saw you a couple of times before, but ignored it." He continued then turned to gesture at one of the men behind him, who also had black hair, but he seemed older and more focused. "And Seokjin Hyung here saw you at another club with one Seong Seok-Chul's men. Now, do you finally understand why you're here?"


It's getting exciting! I will be uploading often! please give me your feedback.

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