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We practiced target shooting for what seemed like hours. With each shot I took, I got more used to holding the gun, got a little comfortable with it. My aim was slowly getting more accurate and I could see Seokjin's face slowly turn from a serious block to a proud father.

I took one last shot and it hit so close to the center, and I leaped up in joy. I heard someone whistle in surprise behind me and I turned to be greeted by a clapping Jungkook.

"Nice!" He cheered. "Jin hyung you did an amazing job on this one"

"I know!" Jin laughed. "She's a fast learner, I'm proud of you Jae!"

"Thank you guys" I couldn't stop my self from blushing.

"You're almost ready for a real gun" Jin continued.

This time, I wasn't too scared anymore. I knew this training is necessary and it's mostly for self-defense. I had to get over it. If I'm going to live with these men for the rest of my life probably I'm going to have to be as badass as they were, which meant not being scared of guns or other weapons anymore.

"Hyung" Jungkook called out. "Did you start moving target training?"

"Moving target?" I questioned.

"It's kind of self-explanatory, really" Jin chuckled. "The target moves rather than staying still, and we didn't get to that yet"

"Cool, can I join? I need a lot of training" Jungkook grinned. "I already have an idea for that"

We noded to him and gestured for him to continue.

"Paintball war!" He answered, to which we raised our eyebrows. "We're the moving targets!"

"Jungkook this is serious training," Jin said dismissing his idea.

"I am serious" Jungkook seemed to jump a little in his place which made me wonder just how old is he? "It's the closest to real-life situations and it's so much fun"

"And painful" Jin counteracted.

"I think it would be helpful" I was actually in on his plan, it seemed fun and would definitely be good training. "What do you say, Jin?"

He finally grinned and we knew his answer. "Okay!"

Jungkook ran to get his gun but returned with vests as well.

"Let's wear these," He said as he handed us the vests. "They're old bulletproof vests that we left here just in case, these will ease the pain, right hyung?"

"You're getting smarter by the day, kook" Jin teased and the younger laughed.

"Okay!" Jin said as we finished gearing up, each one of us had our guns ready and spare ammo and our vests on. "We'll go against each other, of course, but as this is training there technically aren't winners or losers, so that will give you two a chance against me" He had to stop for a smirk before he continued giving us instructions. "Don't hide for too long, don't take too long to aim and constantly be on the move, got it?"

"Yes, sir!" Jungkook and I chanted, then laughed at our action that was totally unplanned.

"On my mark, run for cover." Jin raised his arm to start counting. "Three... Two... Go!"

All three of us frantically ran for cover, which we didn't have much of except for stacks of hey here and there. I saw Jungkook first and quickly took aim and shot, I was surprised to see a paintball splatter on his leg shortly after. I grinned and quickly ran to another hiding place.

Our game went on for a while, Jungkook and I would occasionally hit our target while Jin was able to hit us every single time.

I went to hide at the back of the house and I felt a tap on my shoulder.

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