About The Girl

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Name: Thea Iris Frasier 

Age: 27 

Birthday: September 17 1992

Hobbies: Photography, reading, baking, gaming, anything Harry Potter.

A little background: Thea grew up in Rhode Island with her parents and a younger brother. Always doing well in school and taking a year from when she graduated High School to she started University for Marketing. Shes very close to her parents and brother. She got into gaming through her brother, not being to serious about it till she got into university and she had more time on her own as well as her own system. She decided to move to LA upon graduating knowing she'd find more high energy jobs that she wants, less wintery weather, as well as a whole new start to her life. 

Personality: Very sweet, not afraid to speak her mind yet knows when to keep her mouth shut, won't let people push her around, will always treat others how they treat her. 

Looks: About 5'7, 155 pounds yet most of it is muscles and she does have some curves, natural hair color is a medium brown but currently has it dyed a dark burgundy, green/hazel eyes. 

Piercings/ Tattoos: 3 tattoos. One on her right thigh of a dream catcher with a wolf, second a deathly hallows symbol (harry potter) with the quote "Until the very end" under it, third the work strength in Gaelic on her right wrist. Both ears are double pierced, her left ear helix, and her nose.  

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