Chapter Nine:

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Wincing slightly as I finished pulling my hair back into a french braid. Turning my head to the side slightly to see my work in the mirror. Tightening the end slightly before tying it off as I walked into my bedroom. I was starting to get a little more excited for the night to come. I've only really hung out with Courtney, Shayne and Damien of course. It'd be a nice change of pace to see what some of my co-workers were like outside of work. 

Stepping in front of my dresser and carefully removing the nose stud i normally had in. Switching it out for a small hoop. After getting that done and checking my makeup once more I quickly changed. Pulling on a Jurassic Park crop top and dark washed ripped skinny jeans. Grabbing my black Vans high tops before sitting on the edge of my bed and pulling them on. There was a knock on the front door once I finished. Quickly putting my phone and wallet into my pockets before walking towards the door. Twisting the handle and pulling it up, frowning slightly when it revealed Damien. He flashed me a grin as he quickly pulled me towards him, his arms wrapping around me tightly. It took me a few seconds, but i soon hugged him back, my cheek against his shoulder. 

"As happy as I am to see you, I thought Courtney was picking me up?" Asking as i pulled away, my arms still wrapped loosely around his waist. Damien leaned down and pressed a kiss against my cheek before pulling back.

"She's in the car. Shayne and I kidnapped her before coming to steal you." He explained as he took the keys from my hand and pulled me carefully out of the door way. Leaning around me to lock up my apartment before sliding my keys into his pocket. My eyebrows raised as i watched him do so. 

"Oh, so you're just gonna hijack my keys as well sir?" I teased. His fingers laced through mine as he led the way to the parking lot. 

"Basically. I might need them to let you back in." he teased. 

Smiling up at him before i climbed into the back of Shayne's car when Damien pulled the door open. Damien slid in next to me, his arm resting over the top of the seats once he buckled himself in. Courtney almost immediately turned around to face me, her eyes wide as she flashed me a evil grin. 

"What's your limit?" She asked randomly. A look of confusion crossed my face as I glanced from Damien back to Courtney. 

"My limit? On what? Are you trying to find out my deep dark sexual secrets Court?" I replied, one of my eyebrows raised in confusion. Both Shayne and Damien chuckled at my reply. Once Shayne made sure that we were all buckled in he backed up before driving out of the parking lot. 

"Oh yeah totally, Damien asked me to ask you." She teased, rolling her eyes. "Of course not. I mean your alcohol limit. Like what do you have to consume to get white girl wasted?"

"That makes a hella lot more sense bud. Uh, it depends? Vodka is dangerous, most wines won't do much, and whiskey is my go to so my immunity is up for that. I swear if you guys get me drunk, you're dealing with the consequences." I grumbled as I leaned back against the seat. Damien's hand fell over my shoulder, his fingers tracing random shapes. 

The trip to the club mainly consisted of Shayne and Courtney arguing about one thing or another, while Damien and I just laughed and rolled with whatever they were saying. Inserting answers when they asked our opinion on something. His hand stayed on my shoulder for most of the ride. Until we pulled into the parking lot and he scooted over a little bit so it didn't look as intimate. Part of me was kinda bummed out that he wasn't as close, but I still had stuff to prove at work, and being close to one of the cast members probably wasn't the smartest idea. 

Courtney and I followed Damien and Shayne into the building that the company had rented out for the night. Linking our arms together as we walked through the door. I looked around the room while Courtney dragged me towards the bar where Sarah and Olivia were standing. Glancing over my shoulder towards Damien who gave me a small wave than turned his attention back to Shayne and Ian who had just walked up to the pair. 

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