Chapter Eight

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Sunday turned out to be a fairly lazy day. Using the time to myself to go for a run through the park near my apartment, grocery shopping, and catching up with my family back home. I used to be really close to my parents and my brother. In a way I still am, but i don't get to talk to them nearly as much as I would like. Damien and I texted throughout the day as well. I found myself smiling at random times throughout the day thinking about last night. I really did not want to rush this, despite just wanting to spend time with him. All my relationships before now were rushed, and they all ended. So maybe actually taking my time would pay off in the end. 

For once I was actually happy when Monday rolled around and I walked into the office. Saying hi to a few passing coworkers as I made my way towards the office. Shayne was headed my direction from the opposite side. He stuck his tongue out at me, and gave my shoulder a playful shove as he walked by. 

"Wow rude much Topp?" I called over my shoulder, sticking my tongue back at him. All he did was laugh and disappear around the corner. 

Shaking my head, smiling slightly as I pushed the office door open. Dropping my bag next to my chair before booting up my computer. Leaning down to grab my phone from the front pocket of my bag. Noticing a text from Sarah about a meeting that was starting in about fifteen minutes. Sliding my phone into my back pocket. 

I headed out of the office, heading towards the break room. On my way I pulled my hair back into a pony tail to keep it away from my face. Grabbing a mug I had stored in the break room and picking up the coffee pot to fill it. As I was adding some cream to the liquid, a hand landed softly against my back. Turning my head to look up, a smile immediately falling on my face when I noticed Damien. He glanced around the room to make sure it was empty before leaning down to kiss my cheek gently. 

"Morning." He said, reaching around me to grab a clean mug. 

"Good morning." Turning around to lean back against the counter top, taking a small sip of my drink. "How was your weekend?" 

He flashed me a grin as he filled his cup before leaning against the fridge. 

"Excellent to be honest. " He flashed me a wink, causing my cheeks to redden slightly. "So I don't know how you want to handle this during work hours and such. I mean, we're still figuring stuff out, and you know how they can be here."

My head tilted down as I watched the coffee in my mug swirl around. Looking back up after a few seconds to meet his eyes. 

"Probably best to keep it on the down low for now. I don't mind people finding out later, if this does work out. But if it doesn't then it'd just be awkward for nothing." I replied. 

He nodded as he took another drink from his cup. Once more looking around to make sure we were alone and quickly ducked his head towards mine to press a soft kiss against my lips. 

"Sorry, I had to. " He said smiling down at me before starting to walk off. 

Rolling my eyes despite the smile that was on my lips. 

"Men." I grumbled under my breath. 

Pushing my self away from the counter top and headed out of the room. I managed to get to the meeting room with a few minutes to spare. Finding a spot towards the back of the room, I leaned back against the wall. Looking around the room, spotting Courtney aggressively waving at me.  Laughing as I waved back at her just as aggressively. Damien, who was seated next to her, turned around frowning at what Courtney was doing. Until he saw who she was waving to. Smiling at him before I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. He gasped before turning his head up and spinning around. Ian and Matt walked into the room and made their way towards the front. 

"OK group." Ian started after clapping his hands together for attention. "You guys have been working your asses off since we started with Mystical. With Summer games and vidcon over, we want to slow down a bit for the week. So today and tomorrow are going to be full days. Wednesday a half day. Then the rest of the week off. Wednesday night we're having a get together. We'll email you the deets later today. Its just some food, drinks, and whatever else we rustle up." 

The group in the room started chatting with excitement of the prospect of having a short week. This would be my first time actually attending something with most of the people outside of work. And I was definitively looking forward to it. 

Stepping back to let a few people pass through the door before me. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. Sarah flashed me a smile once she got my attention. 

"Hi! " She started as we walked from the room. I glanced over my shoulder, briefly meeting Damien's eyes. He smiled softly at me before turning his attention back to Shayne as they walked in the opposite direction. Turning my attention back to Sarah, a smile on my lips. 

"Hi yourself. I feel like i haven't seen you in a while." I stated, leaning forward to give her a hug which she returned. 

"I know! We'll have to grab coffee later this week.You're going Wednesday night right?" She asked as she walked besides me down the hallway. Nodding my head and stopping once I was outside my office. 

"As far as I know. It sounds like a fun time." 

"Oh it will be. These things normally are great. You'll love it!" She said as she took a step back. "Well back to work. I'll find you on Wednesday. Don't work to hard." 

Laughing as Sarah walked off. Turning and walking back into my office, preparing myself for a long few days. I wanted to get as much done as I could before we had the long weekend. Then I could actually enjoy it and not worry about the looming work pile that was waiting for me when we come back next week. 

Tuesday and most of Wednesday passed in a blur.  Besides sneaking a few kisses from Damien here and there, we didn't get to see each other much with our crazy schedule. I'm pretty sure we've spent more time talking on the phone the past few days than we have in person. So needless to say I was definitively looking forward to the long weekend. 

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