Chapter 3-The Burden

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~Quick Side Note~ Hi! Um, another day of writing. I don't have many ideas as to what to write yet so I think that this chapter and maybe the next few will be a little uneventful. Don't worry, there will be plenty of action and stuff later! So um pls don't hate on me XD~

"Kakashi!" You exclaimed. The silver-haired man turned around and smiled with his eyes. 

He looked the same as he did yesterday. He didn't seem to change his clothing. I mean, obviously, since he was wearing his Jonin uniform. Most people in the village didn't change outfits, they just had multiple of each. You liked to change outfits, but yours was mostly a shade of (Favorite Color) as stripes across your mostly-black jumper. It was pretty stylish, might you dare say so. 

"Hi," he said, "Is everything alright?"

You were confused. What? The sudden realization hit you. You were out of breath, yelled his name, and looked really flustered. You felt a wave of embarrassment rushing over you. 

"Oh! No, I'm fine. I was just running." You laughed. 

He nodded his head. 

"Okay, just checking in. I best be on my way now." 

Before you could say another word, he disappeared. Just like that. You smirked. Wow, he really must have somewhere to get to. His speed was sensational. Which, reminded you, you should go train. You slipped your sack of tools over your shoulder. 


There it was, the training field. It was somewhat far from the center of the village. You rarely saw anyone here. It was a vast, large, greenfield, with trees scattered around. A river ran through the center. It was more like a stream, come to think of it. It drained into one large lake a mile down. It was surrounded by small boulders and hills. It was gorgeous. Why didn't anyone come here?

You were somewhat glad that you were the only one training here. You could honestly do whatever you wanted. You didn't like that much attention or having people watch you. 

Thinking back to the letter...They wanted so much from me. Obviously, you had "potential." Was that just a good way of saying that you were terrible and need to work harder? Regardless, you knew that you should work hard in order to successfully complete the role. It was something you always wanted. 

You had to work hard.

Left foot out, hit the board. Retract. Right foot out, hit the board. Left hand. Right. Defense. Repeat. Flip. Jump. Chakra release. Stance. Move back.

Your speed was tremendous once you took off your weights. You had trained your entire life with weights in order to make it easier to battle once you took them off.

You had always been tremendously powerful. You didn't like to reveal that, and you tried to hold back your strength to others. You felt like you would be taken advantage of, and you liked it when your opponent underestimated your power. Yes, it was fun.

Other than the basic academy Justsus, You also had created and harnessed a few unique Jutsus. 

First, you had learned the metamorphosis Jutsu. Which, is exactly what it sounds like. There was also the invisibility Jutsu which you were still in the process of learning. Your favorite, however, was the tangibility Jutsu. You could turn people and objects intangible and tangible at the tip of your fingers. It was super useful. You could have a Kunai go right through your body, and have a shuriken pierce someone's skin without feeling the pain until later. It was useful during times when you didn't know whether to trust someone. You would secretly place the shuriken inside the person's body while intangible. If you figured out you could fully trust them, you took away the shuriken. If you couldn't, you would just turn it tangible so it would pierce the person's insides.

Back to training. You had repeated the same motions a few times, over and over again. Was it really sufficient enough?

Maybe, just maybe, you could take the weights off and train a little without them. Your Senseis always taught you not to take them off or you could hurt yourself. Especially when training and using other tough Jutsus. But that was ages ago. It couldn't hurt to try...

You slipped the weights off. First, your right foot. Then the left...the right hand, then the left. And, just like that, they were all off.

You smiled.


(Wrote April 25)

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