Chapter 14-The Bell Test...and Rated R Books (Pt 2.)

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"Okay, here are your instructions. All four of you will attempt to get these three bells from me," he said, holding up three silver bells. He then strapped them onto his waist. "You will come at me with the full intent to kill me."

"Kill?" Sakura said nervously. Sasuke turned around and rolled his eyes. "Don't be silly, Sakura. He's a Jonin, we are hardly Genin. We don't stand a chance. I've heard about this guy, too."

Sakura then squinted. "How come there are only three bells? Aren't there four of us?" She looked back at us, and then back at Kakashi.

Kakashi smiled with his eyes. "Yes, three of you will pass if you manage to get the bells, and one of you will get sent  back to the academy." He then turned to you. "Or, in your case, fired. In a way." You gulped.

But deep down, you knew the point of the test. The only way that you could possibly pass was to work together. Though your teammates didn't all have the best friendship, you would have to convince them. If Sakura could be used as a decoy, then Sasuke could be strict offense. Naruto could use some of his Justus, such as the shadow clone, which he had learned a few days ago, to aid Sasuke and also attack while he was hidden. And you could use your special Justus towards the end in order to immobilize Kakashi. Obviously you didn't want to actually hurt him, that was absurd. But before that, you could help Sasuke with offense by using strict Taijutsu. That plan would definitely work.

You looked towards Sasuke. Kakashi finished explaining his instructions, and Naruto and Sakura jumped away. You grabbed Sasuke's sleeve.

"Sasuke, we really need to work together. You don't actually think that we could beat Kakashi all by ourselves?" You pleaded.

"You heard what he said," he rolled his eyes, "There's 3 bells, and 4 of us." You squinted. "That was the point. He wanted to test our teamwork," You said, furrowing your eyebrows, "This is what a ninja always faces. But there will always be a choice with teamwork, why do you think we got put on teams in the first place?" Sasuke widened his eyes and nodded. "So be it."

Next, you had to convince Sakura and Naruto. Sakura would be easy. She would join the team if Sasuke was in it, easy as that. That girl was truly helpless.

And that's how it went. Sakura eagerly joined the team and started flirting with Sasuke. (Unsuccessfully, of course. You were starting to suspect that Sasuke was gay.)

Now for Naruto. He probably wouldn't listen, since Sasuke was in the group. Since he wanted the bell all for himself. You sighed. It wouldn't hurt to try. Signaling for Sakura and Sasuke to stay back, you saw Naruto standing near a bush.

"Naruto!" You whispered, careful to make sure that Kakashi wasn't near you guys. Naruto turned around, scared, and then sighed in relief when he saw it was you. "Don't scare me like that..." he pouted.

"Naruto, we need to work together. It's the only way we can try to win and get the bells!" You cried out, getting straight to the point. You couldn't waste any time. Naruto shrugged. "If its me and you, then sure." You bit your lip. " do I put it...Sasuke and Sakura are also in the group." Naruto looked disgusted. "No way I'm with that loser. He'll just drag us down." But in reality, at that point, the only one who would drag your group down would be Naruto. And Sakura. "Okay, Naruto, then you don't get any help at all. You can fail for all I care." Which wasn't true at all. You wanted Naruto to pass more than anything in the world! Naruto looked hesitant for a second, but you had turned around. Come on, Naruto, say yes.

"Fine." Naruto pouted, hands on his hips. "Only if I get a bell. I get the first bell." You smiled and nodded.

The four of you regrouped at a tree towards the end of the map. After sharing your original plan, Sasuke asked if he could also work defense. He had speed, which could help. The next step of the plan, was that Sakura would start and try to get a bell from Kakashi. Obviously, it wouldn't work, but Kakashi wouldn't suspect a thing. While he was busy toying with Sakura, Naruto would come up and use his shadow clones to corner Kakashi. Next, Sasuke would throw some smoke bombs around Kakashi. Sakura would clear the area, Naruto's clones would attack Kakashi, Sasuke would show up, and tackle him down with the help of Naruto. Then once the smoke cleared, you would use your Path of Rays Jutsu and immobilize him, which would allow Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto to each get a bell. It was a flawless plan. You didn't want to step in too much, because after all, you were almost a Jonin, and older, and it was their skills being tested, not yours.

You watched carefully as the first part of the plan took place. Soon enough, the smoke cleared and your part came up. You jumped forwards, bit your thumb, and ran the blood on your forehead. Quietly, you whispered, "Path of Rays!" and you felt yourself engulfed by light. You adjusted your hands and grabbed Kakashi and squeezed him so that he couldn't move. It was over, finally. You could have sworn you saw Kakashi smile.

Once the bells were grabbed by Sasuke, he placed them in the center of his palm. "Come on, get one." Naruto, Sakura, and you circled around him. You stared at the palm, and took a step back. "No, you guys, you take it. I don't need this. But you do. There's other ways I can become a Jonin." You felt Naruto run up and embrace you. "Nee-Chan!" Sasuke shrugged, sadly. "Whatever you say." Naruto and Sakura took them into their hands, and there it was. The Exam was over. They passed. You smiled, aching inside. You wanted to curl up and cry. It was wrong of you to get your hopes up. You fought back tears. "Congrats," you said, your voice breaking at the "-ats". Luckily, nobody noticed.

Kakashi walked up. He smiled with his eyes, his signature move. "Congrats, you pass." You smiled bleakly at your friends. Kakashi turned to you. "What's that for? You pass as well." Your eyes filled with disbelief. "What...but I didn't get a bell? I...How would I pass?" Kakashi chuckled. "Well, don't act ignorant. One of you had an idea to team up, which, was essentially the point of this exercise. If you didn't get a bell, any of you, you would still all pass. I wanted to test if you could think like real ninja, despite personal wants, doing the best thing and working together with your partners. That is important to being a ninja." You laughed, filled with joy, and relief. You almost wanted to hug Kakashi. Naruto's eyes filled up with tears. "Y'know...this guy, he's really awesome..." He ran up and hugged Kakashi, who stood immobile in response. He then smiled again and patted Naruto on the back. For a second, you wanted to be in Naruto's place. But that was absurd. Sasuke and Sakura smiled at you, softly, you could see their eyes filled with pride and joy. "We did it..." Sakura smiled, "But I didn't deserve it. I was helpless, it was all you guys." You shook your head. "Sakura, you're amazing. You are amazing at being a decoy. And you'd be a splendid medical ninja." Sakura's eyes lit up.

Kakashi turned to all of you. "Tomorrow is our first mission. See you then." And swiftly, again, he disappeared.

Written June 4, 2020

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