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We sat around the table and had tea and small talked Sonic, Amy and Tails had also come over.
"So are you going to have a scan of the baby soon?" Amy said happy.
"Yes we are going tomorrow to see it the first time" I said and hold Gadget's hand.
"You Guys are lucky to have each other" Tails said smiling. "Thanks and how's it going whit Amanda?" Gadget said. Then they all herd a loud noise and went out. It was Eggman and he was attacking the resistístens and I felt sick.

"Ho no not that smel!" Infinite said and ran into the bathroom we all looked at his way not caring about the fight. "Maybe you will help over here!" Knuckles jelled ate us and we ran to attack.

When I got back I just looked ate them. I miss fighting but safety for my baby comes first. I couldn't do anything so I just laid my hand around my stomach "well it seems like daddy is having fun right little one~" I said and smiled.
I felt something and then I understood.


I felt it and got emotional of the hormones and started to cry. I never felt this way before but I truly felt the baby kick. Again and again. This baby will sure have my fighting joy.
"Guys it's kicking!!"
I said smiling jumping on my toes. Everyone looked at me "REALLY!!" Gadget and my squad said happy and destroyed the robots head and ran to me.
"Is it really kicking?" Jay said laing a ear to my bump listening after the pup. Gadget had his ear on my bump. I felt a small kick and Gadget's and Jay's pupils got bigger as thay tears up.
"OMG it's so cute" Jay said happy laying his forehead against my bump and nuzzles it.
"It's music to my ears" Gadget said closing his eyes and smiled kissing my Bump and I smiled softly at him as I stroked my stomach. They got up and we got inside as knuckles army taking care of Eggman.

Wolf x Jackal #2Where stories live. Discover now