Im pregnant

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*A half month later*
I walked down to breakfast in the base.
I felt terrible and had a headache.
"Morning Gadget!"
Sonic and infinite said,Shiva was playing with Infinite's chest fur I sat down and kissed him on the forehead.
"You okay sweetheart?"
Zero asked and looked at me I just smiled softly at him and kissed him.
I took a glass of water and just knew I needed to say it.
"Guys I need to say something important..."
I said and thay looked at me.
"What is it?"
Sonic said like I was about to die.

"I-I'm-I'm..." I started and felt tears fall down my cheeks.
"What is it?"
Zero said and hold my cheek.
"A-are you sick or something?"
Shadow asked looking at me.
I took infinites hand on my cheek and smiled a bit.
"I-I'm p-pregnant!....we are having a baby!"
I forced myself to say from the hormones. I saw Zero was in shock and then hogd me thigh whit tears streaming down his cheek and Shiva hogd my stomach.
Everyone congratulated us and I hogd Shiva Who wouldn't leave my stomach.
"I'm have brother or sister!"
He said smiling he was getting better on talking and burying his face in my stomach fur "Yes you are sweaty, Yes you are..."
He looked at me and smiled

See you in book #3 love you all💕

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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