First look

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The next day me and infinite was at the doctor I hold Infinite's hand. We sat in the waiting room.
"Gadget and Infinite the wolf and Jackal". A voice said I looked up and saw...Rough? "Rough are you our doctor?" I asked standing up.
"Yes, and I'm so happy to help you two. She smiled at us and we all walked into a white room whit a doctor chair and a screen.
I helped Infinite on the chair and he laid down.
"okay I'm going to laying this on you it's a little cold just so you know" she said and laid the cold cream on my tummy.

I felt the cold cream thing on my belly.
"It's, cold" I said holding Gadget's hand and tryed to smile but it was still SOOO cold.
"Okay I can see it ,it's right there"
Rough said smiling and pointing at the monitor.
We both looked and I saw the baby, it was adorable and i started tearing up.
"I-it's so t-tiny..." I said touching the screen and smiled.
"You wanna have a picture?"
She said and i nodded and Gadget was sitting next to me and kissed me on my cheek.
"this is our baby"
" I'm So excited to see it in real life"
"You will soon just 5 month left"
I kissed him on the lips and Rough came whit the picture.
"Thank you so much Rough"
I smiled and we got home to the others sitting and waiting.
"Hey how was it?"
Amanda smiled and gave me a warm hog.
"It was great and we got a picture"
I smiled softly and we all sat down. My Jackal squad and Sonic and, Shadow, knuckles, Silver, Tails and Amanda sat and looked at the picture.
"It's adorable, I can't believe I'm gonna be a ante"
Amanda said hogging Tails arm.
"Yes hun it amazing for us to we can't wait!"
Miranda said smiling.
"What do you think it will be?"
I asked stroking my belly.
"I think it's a little boy in you" sonic said whit a smirk.
"Hmm I think it's a girl"
Shadow smirked and played with his boyfriends quils.
"I'm with Shadow I think it's a little girl"
Amy said.
"I don't know what most important is you are going going to have a baby"
Silver said smiling.
I nodded and smiled softly. I took Gadget's hand and he smiled at me.

After everyone was gone I walked up to the bedroom and laid down next to Gadget and hogd him he kissed me softly and started go down to my stomach and started kissing it. "The baby is tiered?" Gadget asked looking at me smiling. "I think so...."
I sigh of his hand stroking my belly gently and kissed it one last time and I smiled softly and felt asleep in his arms.

Wolf x Jackal #2Where stories live. Discover now