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I looked down at the little one and stroked his hair and he started wiping.
"Hey wanna let us see your beautiful eyes?~"
I said letting him hold my finger.
I saw his eyes move and he got opened his right eye it was yellow like his dad.
We all looked at him and he opened his other eyes and it was light blue. "Aaaawww it's so cute!"
The girls said quite.
He just looked at us in some seconds and started crying, hiding his face in my chest fur.
I softly giggled and hold him tight into me
" Hey,hey~ it's okay you don't have to be scared, and you are aloud to have cute eyes"
I smiled stroking his tears and smiled softly at him. He hogd my chest hide his in my chest fur and made happy piping sounds. I closed my eyes and sigh of tiererdness and then felt something sting in my chest. I looked and saw he know, drinking my milk?
I was so confused. Everyone just looked at us just as confused as me.
"Hey don't look at me!"
I said blushing.  the feeling was so weird but still felt nice and it felt relaxing for the both of us. The other got out for giving Gadget and me some time and to find me and the baby a hospital.
I just laid down with Gadget having his arm around me softly kissed my cheek.
"You wanna hold him? I'm a little tired after giving birt"
I said smiling at him and he happily nodding his head and after our baby had eaten I carefully laid my son in his arms and in the same second he hide in Gadget's chest fur.
"He's so small"
He said smiling at his sons little hand hogd his finger. I smiled and started falling asleep on my husbands lap and felt his hand stroking my hair.

When I whoke up I was in a hospital bed and saw a baby bed and I saw Gadget sitting in a chair and was rocking the bed.
"Hu...honey you awake how do you feel?"
  "I feal good, and you two?"
"I'm okay and the baby is fine and is sleeping" He said and laid the quilt over the baby's shoulders.
"What should we call him?"
He asked laing next to me and smiled.
  "Hmm, what about Shiva?"

I said and smiled softly at him.

"It's will be perfect for him"

Gadget said smiling at me.

"well he's going to be as smart as him, whit you as his dad"
I said softly kissed him.

Gadget laid Shiva in my arms and I slowly and softly rocked him. I can't tell how happy I was it was just so magical to feal the love of a kid that was mine and Gadget's alone.

Wolf x Jackal #2Where stories live. Discover now