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I laid in the sofa with Shiva in my arms and let him drink my milk.
It tickles at first but soon it was a pleased filing.
I heard Gadget come down and sat next to me.
He said and kissed my cheek and softly pet his son's cheek. He got away from my chest and rech out to Gadget.
I laid Shiva carefully into Gadget's arms.
"He is so adorable..."
He said and hold Shiva's hand.
"I know he is your son..."
I smiled and he chuckles softly at me.
Shiva smiled at us and we both smiled back.
"It's funny how right this feels..."
I said stroking Shiva's hair.
"What do you mean?"
Gadget asked looking at me confused.
"I's like we have always waited for this and almost a year back the only thing in my head was to kill you and now I'm married to my "enemy"
And has one day ago giving birth to our son...thinking about so little time has passed is almost scary but so nice at the same time"
I said looking at him in the eyes.
We looked at each other in some time and then had a passion kiss in a minute until Shiva started winning for attention.
"Aaww you want a kiss too~"
We both said in a sing song voice and kissed the little one on his head. He started laughing cutely hogd my chest to eat.
His eyes looked up at me as he laid down in my arms.
Me and Gadget laid in the sofa and ternd on a movie and snuggling in the blanket until we dosed off.

Wolf x Jackal #2Where stories live. Discover now