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I started feeling the pain and then I felt IT.
I felt the water broke.
I said in pain but thay were talking about how to come out.
I said a bit louder but thay still didn't hear.
They finally looked at me and looked confused.
"T-The water broke! The baby is coming Aahh!"

Thay looked at each other in panic and ran to me.
"Okay, it's gonna be okay we are here"
Silver said taking my hand and I think I broke it of pain.
"Silver take care of him, make him calm a bit"
Shadow said and lifted the quilt so he could see what he was doing.
"So um. How do you feel?"
"L-like I'm being stabbed. No-nothing much"
I said panting out of pain

"He is just open two sentiment, this will be painful" he continued.
I was moaning and panting and not to forget screaming in pain for almost an hour.
"I can't believe this is happening"
I say trew my teeth.
"Yeah it must hurt"
Silver say patting my hand.
"Nah I'm good. I just can't wait to get coffee again"
I say trying to make a joke.
Thay both look at me.
"Jay always jokes the pain away so I think it works. But any way p-please g-get Gadget-t"
I cryd in the unbelievably pain.
"Okay, Silver take over here" Silver took over and told me to push as I felt a new contradiction and olds onto a rock. shadow called Gadget. You know what.
"Were are we?"
He asked me whit a nervous face.
"S-sneak c-cave!!!"
I yelled before pushing like I was told. I after some time heard Gadget crush the lazer wall and he ran to me and sonic ran to the other hedgehogs.
I hogd Gadget's hand and push.

*2 hours later*

"I-i can't anymore I don't have any energy left"
I said and Shadow got to my side.
"No way! In so long time have I told you that you were weak. And all that time you told me wrong. You can do this or your baby will die!"i looked at him and Gadget and then my belly.
"I will never try to hurt my baby"
I said breathing heavily.
I took a deep breath and and pushed one last time screaming like I was burns whit acid and then it was quite for a moment and then we
finally heard our baby screaming.
I laid my head in Gadget lap
of being exhausted from the birth. And saw Gadget had tears in his eyes.
"You did so good Infy" he said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and kissed him on the lips.
"Okay guys we are going to clean the baby a little and then give him to you" Silver said holding the baby in his arms with a towel around it. And bout of us started tearing up again.
"I-It's a boy?"
I asked holding Gadget's hand.

"Yes,it a little baby boy"

Sonic said and winked at us and Shadow helped Silver how to hold the baby and got to a little waterfall in the cave. "Shadow!"
Shadow turns around and sat next to me.
"Thank saved both me and our child"
I said holding his hand as I tears up. He smiled softly back at me.
"You welcome I totally owned you that"
He said laughing as he got to the others.

When they were gone We herd someone outside and I saw my squad and Amy, Rough, Blaze,knuckles, Gears and Espio.
"Hey were did you guys go? We are at work, remember?!"
Knuckles said a little irritated and I was to weak to speak right now and Gadget was still in shock.
And then the boys got back and Silver laid my son in my arms. He was making squeezing noises and weeping and I stroked his little cheek whit my thumb and smiled softly at him. He looked like his father a little wolf whit Gadget's hair style whit my black fur and white skin and my tail and and was absolutely beautiful just like his dad.
My squad was in shock and just stood there.
"Guys w-wanna see y-your new little n-nephew?"
I smiled at them as good as I could after 3 hours of contractions and my hair was a mess.

They looked at each other and smiled I saw some tears and thay half ran to us and sat down next to my left side of me and Gadget and saw my baby he laid and hogd my chest fur whit his eyes closed and holding a hand tight on my chest.
"Oh my, goodness"
Miranda said covering her mouth with her hands and cryd in happiness.
"Who's eyes does he have?"
Jay asked and stroked the little ones cheek softly.
"I don't know he hasn't opened them" I said and smiled at him and we both hugged.

Wolf x Jackal #2Where stories live. Discover now