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The next morning I took infinite and Shiva home.
I hold my one arm around my lover's shoulders and the other was around my son who infinite held thigh into his chest.
"Welcome home Shiva!~"
I said in a sing song voice and opened the door.
When we got in we saw Tails and Amanda who was talking care of the house.
"Hey Guys how was the misoooo-what's that?"
Amanda said and got to us I moved the towel so we could he the face and when we did Amanda collapsed on the floor of chock and got quickly up again.
"I-is that Who I t-think it is?"
She said almost crying.
"Amanda this is your nephew Shiva, Shiva this is your ante Amanda.
Zero said smiling and careful laid down our baby in her arms.
She and Tails looked at him and smiled softly at him and he started reaching out after Zero.
"He is adorable"
They said Amanda laid a hand around her lovers shoulder.
"Hey we wanna tell you something."
Tails said and smiled at us.
We looked at them confused.
"Well me and Tails is getting Married next year!"
Amanda smiled and hogd Tails Who hogd back.
We smiled at them and congratulate them.
"Darling I'm tired I need to go to bed"
Infinite said and kissed his lovers cheek.
When the other had left Gadget got to the bedroom were he saw his lover rocking the baby bed.
"Hey honey~"
Gadget said and got in bed.
Infinite replayed and got down next to him and kissed Gadget on the lips.
"You okay"
"Yes I am"
"Is he already asleep?"
"Yes he is a heavy sleeper"
Infinite said and hogd me.
I hogd him back and smiled at him. "Just like his mom..."
He felt asleep and I kissed his forehead I laid back to sleep still hogging him.
In the middle of the night the little one started crying.
Zero was about to get up but I laid him back down and took up Shiva in my arms.
I sat down whit him in my arms and rocked him softly and after some minutes he felt asleep.
Zero looked at me and smiled at me whit softly eyes. I laid him back in bed and laid down with infinite.
"I love you..."
Infinite said kissing me softly.
"I love you more.."
I said and kissed back.

Wolf x Jackal #2Where stories live. Discover now