Happy smile

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I whoke up and saw infinite was already up. I got into the kitchen and saw him eating an apple.
"Morning sweetheart~" I whisper softly in his ear and kissed his cheek. He looked irritated but it was just hormones. I sat down and ate breakfast before leveling for work.
"So what should I do today?"
Infinite said after being done with the apple.
"I don't know, but remember don't work to much"
I said hogging my pregnant lover.
He hogd back and I kissed him softly before leveling.
"Don't get killd" he said jockin. "I promise"
I said smiling and drove to the base. 

I sat on the couch and read a book.
I was bored and just wanted to go out so I took a towel and got to the beach we live across. I dipped my legs and felt relaxing in the warm water.
I felt a little kick and laid my hands to protect my belly from this world that was beautiful and scary at the same time.
"Hhmm good morning my little one. Have you slept well?~"
I said stroking my belly and felt the little heart and I smiled softly.
When I got inside I took a bath and laid down and looked at the bump that was bigger now.
I was thinking about how it would be when it was born and how it will feel to have him or her in my arms and hear it crying after the birth. I was so excited and when I was done I got to bed again and felt soon asleep whit a happy smile on my face.

Wolf x Jackal #2Where stories live. Discover now