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*2 mouths later*
We all sat in the base and had dinner I sat with Zero and Shiva who was still brest fetid.
He didn't allow Zero to eat because he was enjoying his meal to much.
"Aren't you gonna eat?"
Sonic asked whit the mouth full.
"I don't have a choice!"
Zero laughed and rocked Shiva in his arms.
I started feting him so he could have som food and so he could pruduse more milk for the little one.

When Shiva finally was done eating mostly because there was no milk left he started saying some sounds.
"Da-a Daahs D-DADDY'S!"
We all looked at him and Zero moved his plate and sat him on the table. "W-what did you just say Shivy...c-can you say that again?"
We all got behind Zero and saw Shiva looked confused.
He then reached out to Zero and me"daddy! daddy's!"
He said winned. Zero took him in his arms and kissed his forehead tearing up "You such a good boy!"
I said and hold gently his face in my hands.
"I'm impressed by how fast his learning"
Espio said and looked down at him
"Me too" Zero said and saw the girls was about to faint.

Wolf x Jackal #2Where stories live. Discover now