Her First Heartbreak

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Yonghwa looked at the determined look on her face and began to laugh wildly “Are you out of your mind?! I didn’t even ask you to be one!” he looked down and shook his head as he think of her absurdity

Joo Hyun’s face reddened from embarrassment, but she continued “Our classmates are teasing us with each other, they think we are a couple, so why not just be one” she rationalized, pouting

“I like you as a friend but as a girlfriend?” he said checking her out from head to toe “We are better off as friends” he said instead

“What’s wrong with me?!” she looked at herself in exasperation

“Everything.” He then stood and took off, leaving Joo Hyun feeling insulted but equally determined

After class, she immediately went to Yonghwa’s seat “Let’s go!” she said

“Uhm.. I’m going to the library. You should go ahead.” He told her in an attempt to avoid her

“Hmnn.. Okay. Suit yourself.” She said after much consideration

As she reached home, she went directly to her room, faced the mirror as her tears flowed uncontrollably “Everything, he said.” She touched her hair and winced “It felt like wires!” she thought, her skin has become darker because unlike her friend Hyoyeon who brings umbrella in order to hide from the sun, she just don’t care about those things. She also is slightly overweight because she enjoyed food as well. 

She then lay down on her bed and sulk as she looked at their picture on the bedside table. Yonghwa was smiling from ear to ear. She studied his face, his figure and his stance. “He’s gorgeous and he’s our class valedictorian. What should I do?” she thought, a little frustrated 

“Joo Hyun! Dinners ready.” Her mom called

“I’ll eat when I get hungry mom, you can go ahead and eat.” she replied still bothered 


Morning has come, Joo Hyun felt lightheaded since she has not gotten any sleep at all. “Mom, I’m not going to school today. I’m not feeling well.” 

“Okay, I’ll inform your homeroom teacher. There’s breakfast on the table. You should eat something.” Her mother told her after assessing her condition. She then went out of the house.


“Mom, Joo Hyun’s not here yet?” Yonghwa asked after brushing his teeth. He was bothered with the way Joo Hyun acted yesterday. He felt a bit guilty. “I’ll pick her up instead.” He said making her mother smile

“Hmnn.. I’d like her to be my daughter in law.” She mused which made Yonghwa look at her and said “Don’t you ever think about it!” he then walked out, slamming the door behind.

As he approached Joo Hyun’s house he saw her mom on her way out “Good morning auntie, is Joo Hyun ready?” he asked

“Omo, Yonghwa-yah! She’s not feeling well. In fact, I’m heading to your homeroom teacher’s house to inform her of Joo Hyun’s absence.” Joo Hyun’s mom was surprised to see him. Since it was always Joo Hyun who fetches Yonghwa on their way to school “Something has changed.” She thought

“Oh! Then you don’t have to bother going to her house, I’ll just tell her myself.” Yonghwa offered with a smile on his face

“”How kind of you. Thank you. I’ll tell Joo Hyun you came by.” She added

“There’s no need really.” He said “she should have her rest. I’ll be going then. Bye!” he then went on his way to school

“Okay! Take care.” She went back inside and found Joo Hyun staring blankly on the breakfast she’d made “Problem?” she asked her daughter

“Ah! You startled me. I thought you left.” She said avoiding the question being asked

“I was lucky that Yonghwa passed by, he volunteered to inform the teacher instead.” She said looking for her reaction 

Joo Hyun pretended to not care and said “Yes, you were indeed lucky mom.” She faked a smile

Not knowing, Joo Hyun’s mom has already figured out the reason for the absence. She knows her daughter too much, she may pretend but just a little twitch on her left eye as she heard the name says it all.

“Was I the reason she skipped school? Was feeling sick just an excuse to avoid me?” those questions repeated as he was walking until the classes ends


“Ajussi, how much is your sweet potato?” he asked the side walk vendor when he saw it and thought of Joo Hyun. “This is her favourite. I’ll buy her a peace offering.” He thought “I’ll take 2 please.” He said

He went home as fast as he can and changed into comfortable clothes “Mom, I’m going to Joo Hyun’s!” he run off quickly without hearing his mother’s reply “She might say something weird again.” He thought

Joo Hyun was staring blankly from her bedroom window when Yonghwa appeared on her line of vision.

“Yah! Are you well now?” Yonghwa asked waiving his hands high to catch Joo Hyun’s attention “I bought your favourite on my way here, come on down here and let’s eat it together. I also brought my notes for you to copy. We have assignments, so I can also help you out with it.” He continued

Joo Hyun was surprised as she saw Yonghwa. At first she thought she was seeing things, but as soon as he spoke, she knew she had to do something. "Aigoo! Otokeyo!" she murmured.

She was torn between hiding herself and pretend to be contagious or just go out and talk to him happily as if nothing had happened.

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