Zach's POV

Jack comes back after taking Gabbie home and we all decide to go to a party. I tried to volunteer to be desiganted driver so what happened with Jack and I doesn't happen again. Jonah says no and that its his turn cause it was my turn last time. I nod. I just still wont drink I thought to myself.

We get there and split off per usual. I go over and sit on the couch. Soon Jack wonders over and hands me a drink. I take it but I don't drink it. "Its just water. I know you don't feel like drinking and honestly I don't either" Jack says. I smile and nod. I take a drink. We end up talking for a while. "Do you really think I have changed since I have gotten with Gabbie?" He randomly says. I nod.

"You are barely around anymore Jack. You prioritize her over us and the band which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Obviously you care about her and so you are gonna put her first. It just hurts when we are in the middle of hanging out, just us, for the first time in a while and one phone call from her is all it takes for you to ditch me. I heard you try to tell her we were hanging out but whatever she said got your attention. And without hearing her side it kinda seemed like she was controlling you. I miss you being around a lot. I miss being able to talk to you about anything and everything. But I can't do that if you arent ever around. So I started going to Jonah more for stuff. He loves Tate but hes still here and they still hang out shes over sometimes but he still makes time for us and makes sure he is always there." I confess, looking down. He pushes my head back up lightly, making me look at him.

"You are right. I can still be there for her and you guys. I can make it work. And you are right. In a way she is kinda controlling me. I just didn't realize it before. (Again no hate on Gabbie. Buuuttttt drama is good in a story) I'm sorry I haven't been around much thats gonna change. I promise." He hugs me and I hug back, smiling. I'm gonna get my best friend back. You need to get over him

For Him//Jachary HaveryWhere stories live. Discover now